Local Pentest Transform Package - Sploitego

Sploitego is a local pen-test transform package that uses the Canari Framework for local transform execution in Maltego. The framework was first introduced at DEFCON 20 and has since picked up steam.

Sploitego has currently been tested on Mac OS X and Linux.

Sploitego is only supported on Python version 2.6. The setup script will automatically download and install most of the prerequisite modules, however, some modules will still need to be installed manually.

Some of the transforms require external command-line tools (e.g. nmap, amap, p0f, etc.). The following command-line tools are currently supported:

ºNmap version 5.51: Download
ºP0f version 3.05b: Download
ºAmap version 5.4: Download
ºMetasploit: Download
ºNessus: Download