Maximize Battery Life On Windows 10

Windows 10 battery saver mode:

Windows 10 comes with two power modes: Battery saver mode and the default mode. Well, The battery saver mode surely stops your Windows from sucking your power. It reduces the battery usage as much as 20 percent on normal mode.

Uninstall the unnecessary apps:

Windows 10 comes with a plethora of apps. I, personally, do not use News app, Store and many other. These apps keep sucking the battery life in the background. So, it is better to uninstall these apps.

Uninstall the unnecessary programs:

To maximize the battery life on Windows 10, it is recommended that you uninstall the unnecessary programs. Sometimes, these programs keep on updating in the background which you are not aware of. It does not only consumes your internet data but also, it keeps on taking the toll on the battery life.

Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and Other Settings:

You do not need to leave Wi-Fi or Bluetooth turned on always. They keep on working and keep on sucking the battery out of your PC. So while watching a movie, or when you leave your PC idle for some time, turn off these settings, they are surely gonna save some battery life on Windows 10.

Update Windows While Charging:

Well, you do not have much control over Windows update on Windows 10. There are though certain ways to stop the Windows 10 upgrade but Windows keeps on popping out unnecessary notifications, almost bugging you to the core of your heart to update it. Well, you never know how long the Windows 10 takes. Sometimes, updating Windows 10 takes until eternity. It is advised that you keep your PC on charge while updating the Windows.

Reduce the volume:

We often leave the volume higher even though we are just typing or doing some work which do not actually need the volume to be up. Moreover, most of the laptops, these days, come with powerful speaker inbuilt. Though these speakers give you the soothing sound but they also suck the hell out of your battery life. So reduce the volume level on your Windows 10 while chatting or typing or doing something which does not need the higher volume.

Unplug Unnecessary Peripherals:

We often leave our mobile phones connected to the USB cables to our PC. Even though they consume the smallest amount of battery out of your PC but still it counts. So you might want to discontinue your mobile on being kept on charging. So keep a watch over USB cables, external mouse, Bluetooth-powered mouse, SD card and external keyboard and much more.

Keep your desktop and system drive clean:

When you boot up your PC, Windows 10 loads the most of the content of the C drive (or the drive where Windows is installed). The first thing we see on any PC after we power on it is Desktop. That means all the icons which are spread over the desktop are a part of C drive and they are also loaded up when the PC is powered up. So, try to keep your desktop clean so that Windows 10 does not have to load the entire programs scattered over the desktop.

Manage the brightness:

Brightness also consumes a lot of battery. So when watching a movie in a dark room, try to keep the brightness low. Or when you do not want your machine to be shut down and you are going somewhere, keep it dimmer. Keeping the brightness low in Windows 10 will save a lot of battery.