Phoenix OS 1.0 Beta is Released, Available To Download

Phoenix OS is a free operating system based on the Android-x86 project and designed to port the Android mobile operating system from Google to any computer powered by an Intel or x86-based processor.

The Phoenix OS project offers users a user-friendly desktop environment in the style of Windows or any other Linux distribution. It is distributed for free as a binary image that you need to write on a USB flash drive.

Phoenix OS is an Android-based operating system and runs on devices with ARM based CPU. Compared to original Android, Phoenix OS has merged Android with some key productivity features from Windows, such as Start Menu, Task Bar, and multi-window support.

This page contains binary image files that allow you to flash Phoenix OS into your Nexus tablets. Support for other models is on the way, stay tuned!

Flashing Instructions

To flash a device using one of the system images below (or one of your own), you need the latest fastboot tool. You can get it from one of the sources below.
