Pixiewps - Bruteforce Offline the WPS Pin (Pixie Dust Attack)

Pixiewps is a tool written in C used to bruteforce offline the WPS pin exploiting the low or non-existing entropy of some APs (pixie dust attack). It is meant for educational purposes only. All credits for the research go to Dominique Bongard.

Pixiewps requires libssl. To install it:
    sudo apt-get install libssl-dev

Pixiewps can be built and installed by running:
    ~/pixiewps$ cd src
~/pixiewps/src$ make
~/pixiewps/src$ sudo make install

 Usage: pixiewps 

Required Arguments:

-e, --pke : Enrollee public key
-r, --pkr : Registrar public key
-s, --e-hash1 : Enrollee Hash1
-z, --e-hash2 : Enrollee Hash2
-a, --authkey : Authentication session key

Optional Arguments:

-n, --e-nonce : Enrollee nonce
-m, --r-nonce : Registrar nonce
-b, --e-bssid : Enrollee BSSID
-S, --dh-small : Small Diffie-Hellman keys (PKr not needed) [No]
-f, --force : Bruteforce the whole keyspace [No]
-v, --verbosity : Verbosity level 1-3, 1 is quietest [3]

-h, --help : Display this usage screen

A common usage example is:
    pixiewps --pke  --pkr  --e-hash1  --e-hash2  --authkey  --e-nonce 
which requires a modified version of Reaver or Bully which prints AuthKey. The recommended version is reaver-wps-fork-t6x.
If the following message is shown:
[!] The AP /might be/ vulnerable. Try again with --force or with another (newer) set of data.
then the AP might be vulnerable and Pixiewps should be run again with the same set of data along with the option --force or alternatively with a newer set of data.

    -e, --pke

Enrollee's DH public key, found in M1.

-r, --pkr

Registrar's DH public key, found in M2 or can be avoided by specifying
--dh-small in both Reaver and Pixiewps.

-s, --e-hash1

Enrollee Hash-1, found in M3.

-z, --e-hash2

Enrollee Hash-2, found in M3.

-a, --authkey

Registration Protocol authentication session key. Although for this parameter a
modified version of Reaver or Bully is needed, it can be avoided by specifying
small Diffie-Hellman keys in both Reaver and Pixiewps and supplying --e-nonce,
--r-nonce and --e-bssid.

-n, --e-nonce

Enrollee's nonce, found in M1.

-m, --r-nonce

Registrar's nonce, found in M2.

-b, --e-bssid

Enrollee's BSSID.

-S, --dh-small

Small Diffie-Hellman keys. The same option MUST be specified in Reaver
(1.3 or later versions) too. This option should be avoided when possible.

-f, --force

Force Pixiewps to bruteforce the whole keyspace (only for one type of PRNG).
It could take up to several minutes to complete.

-v, --verbosity

Verbosity level (1-3). Level 3 displays the most information.

-h, --help

Display usage screen.