SearchCap: Google Guidelines, Yahoo Redesign & Local SEO


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web.

From Search Engine Land:

  • Google Updates The General Guidelines Section Of Their Webmaster Guidelines
    Jan 28, 2016 by Barry Schwartz

    Google has made significant changes to the content on their Webmaster Guidelines documentation.

  • Yahoo Redesigns Home Page & App To Deliver Consistent Experience With More Relevant News
    Jan 28, 2016 by Amy Gesenhues

    With its now nearly infinite news stream, Yahoo users no longer need to open news articles in multiple browser tabs.

  • When You Rank High Organically But Not Locally (Case Study)
    Jan 28, 2016 by Joy Hawkins

    You’ve done everything right in terms of local SEO — you’re even ranking high in organic results — but you just can’t seem to get a place in the map pack. What’s wrong? Columnist Joy Hawkins explores.

  • 7 Traits That Will Make You A Great SEO
    Jan 28, 2016 by Will Scott

    Knowledge and expertise are important, but columnist Will Scott asserts that there are certain intangible qualities which SEO rock stars all seem to share. Do these apply to you?

  • The 411 On Content Marketing
    Jan 28, 2016 by Digital Marketing Depot

    In our consumer-empowered world, it’s become more difficult for marketers to cut through clutter and a lot more challenging to garner loyalty with their audiences. That’s why smart content delivered in context will make you stand out in the crowd. The Modern Marketing Essentials series from Oracle gives marketing leaders and practitioners the opportunity to […]

  • Final Call: Early Bird Rates Expire Saturday. Register For SMX West.
    Jan 28, 2016 by Search Engine Land

    Supercharge your search marketing campaigns by attending Search Engine Land’s SMX West. Join others obsessed with SEO & SEM March 1–3 in San Jose, CA. Early bird rates expire this Saturday, so register today! Don’t miss out on three days of: Performance-boosting SEO & SEM sessions. View the agenda. Industry leaders presenting proven tactics for […]

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