XSS Prevention Cheat Sheet for Penetration Testers

XSS is one of the Deadliest Attacks the hackers do on a web application .  also known as  , is an attack where the attacker injects a malicious script to perform a malicious action on trusted websites . This Malicious script executes on the browser , and affects the visiting user .
XSS is quiet prevalent in the websites where the user input is not encoded or escaped .
Cross Site Scripting (XSS) is of 3 Types : 
  1. Stored XSS
  2. Reflected XSS
  3. DOM Based XSS
For more info on XSS please refer to this Link .

XSS Prevention Cheat Sheet

XSS is best prevented while coding an Application . Here are some Prevention techniques for XSS :
  • Escape all user Input and Output .
  • Escape All Special Characters .
  • Internet Explorer has an Attribute HTTP-Only that can be set for the cookies to prevent stealing of of cookies and avoids access to cookies by any script . This is Output Validation instead of input Validation .
  • Escape all  based on the Body ,  Attribute , Javascript , CSS and URL . 
  • White-List input validation is an excellent strategy for the prevention of XSS . Here we define a list of Allowed input by the user . Any input which is not as per the allowed white-list (which is just the allowed regular expressions) is not taken as an input and simply rejected .
  • Use of OWASP Auto-Sanitization library is highly recommended .
  •  To prevent XSS also use Anti-Sammy or Java HTML Sanitizer Project (also from OWASP)
  • Use OWASP Content  Policy .
  • Output Validation is a must thing . Otherwise without proper escaping or validation it will be treated as an active content by the browser.
  • Build a good XSS Filter .

Building A Good XSS Filter

Keep in mind that no perfect XSS Filter can be made . XSS filter is just an added layer of protection . XSS filter will help to make our Application protected from vague attacks and script kiddies .
Basic Rules For XSS Filter 
  • Encode every data given by the user .
  • If the data is not via user and arrives by a GET request , encode this data too .
  • The Following data must be properly sanitized .
    1. URL
    2. HTTP Referrer Objects : HTTP Header Field that defines the address of the webpage associated with the resource requested .
    3. GET Parameters from a Form .
    4. POST Parameters from a Form .
    5. Windows.location : Javascript Object that can be used to get the address of the current webpage and also can be used to redirect to another web page .
    6. Doccument.Referrer : Returns the URL of the Document that loaded the current document .
    7. Document.Location : Contains the information about the current URL .
    8. Document.URL
    9. Document.URLENCODED
    10. Cookie Data
    11. All Headers Data
    12. DATABASE Data
  • Encode all <,>,”,’
& -> &
<  -> <
>  -> >
  • Use of OPEN SOURCE LIBRARIES To prevent XSS :
    1. PHP AntiXSS : Automatically detects encoding of data that must be filtered .
    2. XSS_Clean. filter : Cleans URF Encodings and Nested Exploits .(available on Github)
    3.  HTML Purifier : HTML library written in PHP  .This will remove any malicious code from the Input . Also available as a plugin in most Php Frameworks .
    4. XSS Protect : This Library works by creating an HTML Tag Tree of the Webpage  . This will parse all the HTML Webpage and Match all the Tags . After that it will filter interface and will filter any improper HTML Attributes .
    5. XSS HTML Filter  : This is an XSS filter for JAVA .