ZombEye - IRC Botnet

  ZombEye IRC Botnet

  About ZombEye IRC Botnet:

    ZombEye IRC Botnet allows one to use the master control gui to
    run code in a hidden command promt on all of their online bots.

  How to use ZombEye IRC Botnet:

    This botnet consist of three files, "ZombEye Infection.exe",
    "ZombEye Master Control.exe", and "bconfig.ini". You can rename
    the two executable, .exe, files to anything you would like, but 
    the "bconfig.ini" must not be renamed.

    First step is to edit the "bconfig.ini" file in a text editor, 
    such as notepad, and customize the values as you see fit. 

    These include the IRC server, port, channel and username for master 
    control. The "bconfig.ini" file is used by both exe files.  
    You need to place the "bconfig.ini" file in the root of the C:\ drive 
  on your bot computers. Next you would place "ZombEye Infection.exe
    in the Start Menus "Startup" folder and run it.

    Before opening "ZombEye Master Control.exe" to control your bot(s)
    you must have the "bconfig.ini" file in your root of the C:\ drive 
    with server settings matching the bots.