1500+ ID Scans, Templates, Card Selfies & More ★ReskayLeaks★

Hey guys, we're back with a massive selection of ID scans and more with our "1500+ ID Scans, Templates, Card Selfies & More" Collection!
With this massive collection you can use these scans as they are or use them as a template and make you own custom ID Scans.
(If you know your photohop that is!)

This collection includes multiple forms of ID, from around the world. Heres just a few types of ID that we can name.

-Citizen Cards -Driving Licences
-Card Selfies -Student Cards
-Travel Cards -EU Citizen Card
-& Much, Much More

It's a huge collection covering 45+ countries, and includes multiple forms of ID, here are some of the countries included in this collection:

Arab Emirates Georgia Latvia

Armenia Germany Lebanon

Australia Great Britain (UK) Lithuania

Austria Greece Malaysia

Azerbaijan Hong Kong Mexico

Belarus Hungary Mongolia

Belgium India Nepal

Bulgaria Indonesia Netherlands

Burma Iran New Zealand

Cameroun Ireland Pakistan

Canada Israel Paraguay

China Italy Philippines

Denmark Jordan Russia

Estonia Kazakstan USA

Finland Kirghizia


We hope you enjoy