Dracos Linux Final 1 "Vairusa" Released And Available For Download

Dracos Linux Final 1 "Vairusa" is released, Linux For Penetration Testing Build From LFS (linux from stracth)

Dracos Linux Is a form of an OS that was built according to Linux From The Scratch under the protection of GNU General Public License v3.0. Dracos Linux itself is purposed to deliver the educating products especially ones in 'Opensource'.

Video Release [ Indonesia Version ]


Vairusa-1-Final changelog :
Kernel support
  • recompile kernel 4.2.0 with various sound driver support

  • added dash

Desktop environment
  • remove openbox ( not need anymore )
  • remove conky ( not need anymore )
  • remove lxpanel ( not need anymore )
  • added DWM,dmenu,dwmstatus
  • added GPM daemon
  • added XKeyboardConfig support
  • added fribidi support for arabic font
  • added giflib support
  • added keymap compiler and support library (libxkbcommon)
  • added aalib for ascii support

Programming support
  • added yasm
  • GC with libatomic_ops support
  • added check suport for compiler
  • added GNU Scientific Library (GSL)
  • adding asynchronous event notification software library (libevent)
  • adding popt libraries
  • adding portable POSIX/ANSI-C based library for Unix platforms (npth)
  • dynamic library load path (rpath and runpath) (chrpath)

Network support
  • added links2 upgrade LibTIFF version
  • added samba protocol
  • added OpenLDAP
  • added Cyrus SASL
  • added git support
  • added rdesktop
  • added bind tools for dig, host, and nslookup command
  • added libidn support
  • added libesmtp libraries
  • added libndp is a wrapper for IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Protocol
  • added Heirloom mailx
  • added ldns (DNS library)

Penetration tools
  • added activerecord sqlite3-ruby ( for karma metasploit support)
  • added hamster and ferret
  • added smtp-user-enum
Read Changelog

1. Changelog : https://dracos-linux.org/proj…/dracoslinux/…/Vairusa-1-Final
2. Manajemen tools : https://dracos-linux.org/projec…/dracoslinux/wiki/Management
3. Daftar library : https://dracos-linux.org/projects/dracoslinux/wiki/Library
4. Database support : https://dracos-linux.org/projects/dracoslinux/wiki/Database
5. Programming support : https://dracos-linux.org/proje…/dracoslinux/wiki/Programming
6. De support : https://dracos-linux.org/…/dracosl…/wiki/Desktop-environment
7. Archive manajemen : https://dracos-linux.org/…/dracosli…/wiki/Archive_Management
8. Multimedia : https://dracos-linux.org/projec…/dracoslinux/wiki/Multimedia
9. Network support : https://dracos-linux.org/projects/dracoslinux/wiki/Network

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