FAQ: All About The Changes To Google’s Ad Layout On Desktop Search Results


On a Friday afternoon — last Friday, February 19, 2016, to be exact — Google confirmed that search results pages on desktop will no longer show text ads in the right sidebar. Instead, as many as four text ads will display on above the organic listings and three text ads will to show at the bottom of the page.

There will certainly be a lot of analysis to come on what this change means for advertisers – impressions, CPC, CTRs, average position, etc. Here’s what we know so far about the move.

What Exactly Is Changing?

All of the changes confirmed on Friday pertain to desktop search results on Google.com and Google search partners.

There are a few elements included in the changes to desktop results:

  1. No text ads will be served on the right rail of the search results on desktop.
  2. Google will serve four text ads instead of three in the mainline area above the organic listings for more “highly commercial queries” (more on that below).
  3. Three text ads will show at the bottom of the SERPs.
  4. The total number of text ads that can appear on a SERP will shrink from as many as 11 to a maximum of 7.
  5. Product listing ad blocks and Knowledge panels (sometimes with ads as tests continue in these spaces) will show in the right rail on relevant queries.

These updates are rolling out permanently worldwide on both Google.com and search partners — though not all search partners offered sidebar inventory.

Was This Shift Sudden?

While the confirmation that Google would no longer show text ads in the sidebar on desktop came as a shock to many, it’s been simmering for some time.

Google has been testing variations of this theme for several years now. The first time Google started experimenting with four ads above the organic results was in 2010, on mortgage queries. Late last year, many users began seeing the four ads appear on other queries, with no ads appearing in the sidebar.

That said, when Search Engine Land asked Google about the testing last December, we were told that the it was not permanent and was only running on a small number of queries. And then last week happened.

As Merkle RKG’s Andy Taylor illustrated in a blog post last Friday, the shift to remove ads from the right rail began slowly early last week and then picked up dramatically after Wednesday, February 17.

google switch to no right rail ads on desktop

Source: Merkle RKG

Here’s another look at the same data:

transition to no right rail ads google

Source: Merkle RKG

What Are “Highly Commercial Queries”?

Google has stated that four ads instead of three may show more often on highly commercial queries, but what exactly does that mean? Well, examples from Google include “hotels in New York City” or “car insurance”.

And yet, what you deem highly commercial may differ from Google’s definition. Generally speaking, the term is used for queries in which Google perceives an intent to purchase.

Will This Impact Product Listing Ads & Ad Tests In Knowledge Panels?

At this point no.

Google has run several ad tests in Knowledge Panels, which appear on the results pages for some entity queries, and says it will continue to do so. The tests began showing up in 2013 on some car queries, and then expanded in 2014 to music, movies and books. The decision to remove right rail ads has no impact on current and future tests in Knowledge Panels.

Likewise, Google will continue to experiment with Product Listing Ad layouts. Just last month, an expandable PLA block was spotted — when expanded, 16 PLAs displayed above the fold on desktop.

Does This Mean CPCs Are Going To Skyrocket?

It’s too soon to tell. Many are predicting that fewer ads will lead to higher prices as a supply and demand story would conclude. Yet, it may not be that simple.

First there is the question of whether advertisers will be willing to bid the same for bottom-of-the-page ads as they were for right rail ads. And, as Martin Roettgerding, Head of SEM at Bloofusion points out, more impression volume for top-of-the-page ads may suppress CPCs for top spots as well.

Others disagree with Martin. And this is all speculation, of course. The impact will continue to be debated until more data becomes available.

After looking at Merkle RKG data through the weekend, Andy Taylor says, “Overall, we haven’t really seen much impact to non-brand text ad click or impression volume yet. CPC has also remained roughly steady, but we’re still very interested to see how first page and top of page bid minimums shift.”

What is clear is that advertisers running bid-to-position strategies will need to make updates. That alone may cause auction patterns to fluctuate for a period as advertisers react to one another’s adjustments.

We’ll continue to follow this story — and the impact for both paid search and SEO. Alistair Dent, Head of Product Strategy at iProspect, has some initial thoughts on what the changes will mean for PPC in his lastest Search Engine Land column.

The post FAQ: All About The Changes To Google’s Ad Layout On Desktop Search Results appeared first on Search Engine Land.