IRC ShellBot - PowerShell for Pentesters (PSSE)

Welcome back! This is the 9th installment in my PowerShell for Pentesters exam. Here I was tasked with using a popular 3rd party website (or service) as an interactive shell. I went with the popular example of using a 3rd party IRC server as my central command and control server, and having my bot operators meet up with the reverse shell bots in specified channels. Further, you can give both direct bots commands or all bots in a channel the same commands, meaning you can give massive command sets to your IRC botnet ;) This is a fun concept for controlling multiple bots at once and also fun to detect from a defensive stand point (the IRC protocol makes that a little easier for us). I used a common PowerShell IRC bot framework to accomplish this, and added my IRC shellbot script to my PowerShell Scripting Expert (PSSE) repository. Below you can see an example bot in action, with many more excellent features to come soon!