Send Files via PSRemoting - PowerShell for Pentesters (PSSE)

Hola!! This is the 6th task in the Powershell for Pentesters exam, to send files to a remote machine using PowerShell Remoting. To do this properly it first helps to set up PowerShell Remoting, which I have a cheatsheet for here.  Further, to get PowerShell Remoting set up, you have to make sure the machines are part of the same domain, or at the very least, part of the same private network. To force a Windows 7 host onto a private local network, this script helped me avoid the GUI.  Anyway, the following is my script to securely transfer files over PowerShell Remoting, from your host machine to the destination machine with Remoting enabled.

This blogpost has been created for completing the requirements of the SecurityTube PowerShell for Penetration Testers Certification Exam:
Student ID: PSP-3061