Simple Web Server - PowerShell for Pentesters (PSSE)

Hey! This is the 7th entry in the PowerShell for Pentesters exam, put out by SecurityTube and taught by Nikhil Mittal. For this entry, I was tasked with creating a simple Web Server in PowerShell that has the ability to list the contents of a directory, server a file up from that directory, delete a file in that directory, or even upload a new file to that directory. For this I crafted a very simple API and WebServer, with the idea of expanding it over time. Not only does it have those features mentioned, but the web server can also be shutdown remotely, making it ideal for penetration testers running it on a victim machine. Here you can find my Simple-WebServer cmdlet, as part of my PSSE repo. The following screenshot demos some its functionality:

This blogpost has been created for completing the requirements of the SecurityTube PowerShell for Penetration Testers Certification Exam:
Student ID: PSP-3061