Social Engineering Tips and Tricks

Hey all! The following is a set of presentations I really like, that I feel embody elements and impart lessons in social engineering. Watch each video closely and to meditate on what the presenter says and how it effects you emotionally. It's some great material with some extra hidden lessons:

I really enjoy this video because of how into the moment Jay gets with the phone call. He completely immerses himself in the event which makes it believable and engaging. His high energy and focus also draws other participants into engaging with him. Finally, his focus on the other parties issues and consistent use of questions keeps the attention off of himself.

The lessons imparted in this video are very important not just for social engineering but for interpersonal interaction in general. The key to successful dialog is figuring out what each party wants and coming to understanding and compromise. My favorite takeaway from this talk is one word: Ask. When people start to understand and relate to one another the walls break down and its magic from there.

My favorite technique in this video is the use of 'because'. Turns out people really enjoy understanding the reason for events, almost more than the events themselves. Each video also involves a sense of amazement or surprise (in a positive, comedic sense), be it magic, playful tricks, or comedy. This is a great technique for getting the audience in a positive mood, which will also subconsciously move them to enjoy the presentations. I think hackers also posses many of the same powers of surprise and amazement, albeit digitally. You can also use those skills in a similar sense of amazement for SE. I hope you enjoyed these videos, comment on your favorite psych techniques!