Data show that search query volumes on PC peaked in 2013


February US desktop search rankings from comScore are out. The data show almost no changes month over month. There is only very incremental movement.

Bing continues its inch by inch gains while Ask continues to sink inexorably toward 1 percent. AOL appears to have bottomed out at 0.9 percent. Google was up very slightly this month and Yahoo lost two-tenths of a point.

comscore search share feb

Despite the fact that significant search volume has moved to smartphones, comScore has declined to show us a combined desktop-mobile view to date. But without such a perspective we don’t know what the current market truly looks like.

Overall vs. Google Desktop Search Volume in US (MM)

comscore query volumes

Data source: comScore

Using comScore data from 2009 to the present we can see that search queries peaked on the PC in 2013. Desktop volume has been in decline since then. Google’s share of overall search queries mirrors the general market trend.

But that doesn’t tell the whole story. In mobile, Google commands roughly 90 percent of the market according to directional indicator StatCounter, which may not be entirely representative of the mobile web.

StatCounter mobile search

Data: StatCounter

Google has said that mobile search volumes now exceed desktop searches in more than 10 countries, including the US. If the comScore figures are accurate it would mean that Google sees more than double the search volume reflected in the chart above — or more than 20 billion queries per month.

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