How to install docker in Ubuntu 14

In this post we are going to learn about how to install docker in ubuntu 14.04 LTS. We need docker for deploying application or monitoring system. I will write a series to use docker as Jmeter server, so this post will help.

Before getting stared , I would like to say all of the items here are mainly from docker documentation. And those who want to know what process will be for windows or Mac, here is the basic difference which we need to know before installation.

That means, you need additionally a VM(usually virtual box) on top of docker if it is not Linux. The virtual box actually work as boot2Docker.

We sill follow the things needed for Linux only. And all of the command here are in command line.

First, docker needs minimum Kernel version 3.10.

To check kernel version :
uname -r 

As both cases, they are 3.10+, we are set to go.

There are two ways to install , I am including both ways.

Primary Installation Type (Tested in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS) : Preferable method for error free installation. 

Check APT work with HTTP :
If you dont have https enable for APT, just download certificate
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates

Add public key for server to download :
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 58118E89F3A912897C070ADBF76221572C52609D

Adding docker repository source : Go to this folder (/etc/apt/sources.list.d) and find a file docker.list.
If you find, open this as root and delete any entry if you have.
If you don't have this file, create this file.

sudo touch  docker.list

Now , edit (sudo gedit docker.list) this file

and add this following repository name & save it
deb ubuntu-trusty main

Optional : If you want to use multiple architecture(x64 & x86) , you may specify  like this

deb [arch=amd64,i386] ubuntu-trusty main

This will enable x86 & x64. I am only using x64.

Note : If you go that repository you will see following folders

If you Ubuntu version is not 14 (trusty), then you may use other destination. On this part is different then other Ubuntu versions.

Now, Update APT sudo apt-get update

-> verify APT is pulling from right repository
sudo apt-cache policy docker-engine 

-> To check, if APT is not getting from old repo,
sudo apt-get purge lxc-docker

Get Linux Image Extra kernel, To do that
sudo apt-get install linux-image-extra-$(uname -r)

It will update the current extra image kernel. If you are in latest , you dont need. to run this. You might see something like this.

We need apparmor, for application security. So,  if you dont have apparmor, you can install
sudo apt-get install apparmor

By default apparmor used to present in ubuntu 14. So, you may see like this.

We need both generic and required kernel. So, Update APT and
sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic-lts-trusty

Press Y for new installation prompt and your PC is ready for installing

Reboot PC .

Now, finally we are in installation step!

sudo apt-get install docker-engine

Press Y 2 times when it asked for permission.

Now, Docker is installed. Let's test . Type
sudo docker run hello-world

Optional Steps :

If you want to run docker as service , run this as service
sudo service docker start

If you want to add an user for docker , (I am putting my name)
sudo usermod -aG docker shantonu

Reboot PC(or log out) . Now you can use docker without root rights. If you try

docker run hello-world 

We are done.

Alternative Installation Type:(tested in Ubuntu Mate 14, based on LTS)

Step 1 : Install CURL down-loader if you don't have it. (usually no need as it comes with Ubuntu, but you can update APT before going forward )

Step 2 : Download & install using CURL by this command

curl -fsSL | sh

It will prompt for root credential , you need to provide that.

Optional step : Adding an user (i am adding myself, so that I do not need root rights each time I use docker) :

sudo usermod -aG docker shantonu

And now, try hello world : (add sudo if you haven't add user)

docker run hello-world

We are done.

So, this following part is necessary to use Docker . Actually , it will allow to use docker complete for development. These are mainly permission or admin related things. 

Using swap memory if you have less Ram :

Edit grub as root etc/default/grub
sudo gedit /etc/default/grub

And add this line
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="cgroup_enable=memory swapaccount=1"

Now , save & update grub
sudo update-grub

UFW firewall entry :

To know the status of you PC of UFW, type this (you may avoid verbose)
sudo ufw status verbose

I am not using after by default , so inactive.

if you are using firewall(you should) , Change DEFAULT_FORWARD_POLICY,
sudo gedit /etc/default/ufw

Save & close file. And, now Reload UFT
sudo ufw reload

Add Docker port for incoming container request.
sudo ufw allow 2375/tcp

So, we are done adding in firewall. Now,

Configure DNS : 

We need to add DNS entry for our Docker outgoing calls. Usually /etc/resolv.conf shortcut used to have local host entry.
gedit /etc/resolv.conf

So, Docker access this & when try to use, it cant as it is used by our Ubuntu. So, Docker try using default Google Public DNS servers [].

We need to make this DNS entry to our Local host IP address. So, know your IP address by ifconfig and use that. In my case it is So,

sudo gedit /etc/default/docker


And add your local address. Now, as you can see we can add multiple DNS address, so, if your PC connected to multiple network (wifi, lan etc) , you should add those address so that each time you change network, you dont need to add dns.

Save & close file.  And, restart docker

sudo restart docker

Done, we are ready to use docker in Ubuntu.

Note : in all command, I use either gedit editor , you can use your favorite one like nano.

----- Thanks.. :)