InfoSec Podcasts

Hey All! I wanted to talk about two fun podcasts I've been listening to recently. The first wasn't a podcast to begin with but rather a YouTube channel on Computer Forensics!! The Learn Forensics with Dave Cowen channel is awesome, if not for all their forensic tool tutorials then specifically for their show Forensic Lunch, and they've recently released as a podcast!! This is awesome news, as few other computer security related shows consistently deliver as much technical content as Forensic Lunch. This is a show I constantly learn from and something educational I like to put on when I have a spare hour. Further, Dave is a fascinating guy and also the NCCDC red team captain, so I enjoy listening to his forensic guidance in the off season. You can check out an episode of the Forensic Lunch below, or listen to the podcast here:

The next podcast is one I've been listening to a lot lately, and while less technical it's just as thrilling and thought provoking. This one is SpyCast, a series of interviews and talks put out by the International Spy Museum. SpyCast actually just hit 200 episodes on 3/22/16, so this post marks the turning of a new century for the show. It's probably best to search their archives for topics your interested in using this page. Coincidently, The International Spy Museum publishes many of the videos behind the SpyCast show on their YouTube Channel. This show has provided consistent, eye opening insight and has been a marvelous tour of the intelligence community, and foreign intelligence, throughout it's many interviews. It comes highly recommended: