Look Like a Lesbian

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to be honest there is no specific lesbian look if you want to look more like a male then you can but if you want to look like a feminine lesbian you can

== Steps ==
# if you wan to create a male look follow these steps start of with baggy black or denim trousers and long plain white or black top if you want to shave your head you can but thats up to you dont do anything your not comfortable doing make sure everyone around you is ok with you doing this
# if you want to create a girly lesbian look just aplly your normall makeup wear,tight tops and jeans,dresses or skirts trainers or heals or even flats  just makesure you are comfortable

== Tips ==
* make sure you are 100% comfortable with what you are doing if you want to wear makeup you can don't offense anyone or upset anyone

== Warnings ==
* there are not any warnings that come to mind

from wikiHow - Recent Changes [en] http://ift.tt/1Pxo4jG