Registry Trojan - PowerShell for Pentesters (PSSE)

Welcome back all! This is the epic 10th installment of my 'PowerShell for Pentesters Certification Exam', taught by Nikhil Mittal, and offered through SecurityTube! The goal here was to write a backdoor that leverages the registry, reading and writing commands to it rather than standard files. The proof of concept trojan also sets a */CurrentVersion/Run key to persist. I use a stub file to extract the payload from the registry and I plan on extending this to add compression and encryption. The payload stored in the registry can be dynamically set, as well as the registry key name that the trojan creates, giving it versatile use in persistence / detection testing. The default payload and key name are intended to be harmless jokes, however these tools should be used responsibly for computer security engineering. That said, these scripts are also by no means advanced or capable of evading detection, these are simply a starting point. You can check out the RegTrojan here, part of PSSE, and below you can see a small example of the footprint it puts on the machine.

lol again, the default payload is just a joke, so why not take my favorite troll PowerShell payload, Lee Holmes Ascii Rick Roll:

This blogpost has been created for completing the requirements of the SecurityTube PowerShell for Penetration Testers Certification Exam:
Student ID: PSP-3061