SQL Injection framework - Seringa

Seringa – SQL Injection framework

Seringa (Romanian for seringe) is an SQL injection framework featuring high customizability and a user-friendly interface. It is completely open source. Uses the .NET 4.0 framework and Windows Presentation Foundation(WPF) for the GUI. With regard to design it utilizes the Strategy Pattern to distinguish between various SQLi strategies whilst storing other relevant data such as exploits, payloads and patterns in xml files so that the framework can be easily customized from the outside(a manifestation of the Open-Closed Principle).

Seringa allows you to:

ºscan Google search results given a search string
ºtest search results for SQLi vulnerability
ºtest a single url for vulnerability
ºextract a database structure(databases,tables,columns) in a tree form
ºexecute given payloads and receive results(some predefined queries include current database name, current database user, current database version etc)
ºsave your penetration testing process to a file(mapping file) and load it later
ºuse a proxy(regular or socks) when testing

Concepts: Injection Strategies

ºways of actually running a SQL injection
ºrequire their own distinct classes in the code
ºnot modifiable without recompiling
ºthe 2 available types at the time of writing are “UNION Based”(referring to the use of the UNION SQL command) and “ERROR Based”(referring to errors being spilled out by the web application)
ºInjection Strategy classes are required to implement the IInjectionStrategy interface DBMSs
ºshort for Database Management System
ºrefer to the underlying DBMS that the web application sends commands to
ºthe DBMS values seen in the GUI are extracted from the exploits file(see the Exploits concept) Exploits
ºthe actual SQL commands that cause a vulnerable system to do what the penetration tester wants
ºthey are configurable in the exploits.xml file that is found in the xml folder each node in sed file represents a single exploit
ºeach exploit works for a particular DBMS as specified by the dbms attribute of the node Payloads
ºwhat the penetration tester wants to do to the system
ºconfigurable in the payloads.xml file
ºalso dependable on the DBMS Patterns
ºused when testing if a particular url is SQL injectable
ºeach pattern is a message that the targeted web application might output when it’s tested if it is vulnerable to SQLi attacks
ºconfigurable in patterns.xml Ipcheckers
ºwhen using a proxy with Seringa you might want to check what your ip actually is from within the application
ºthis can easily be done using a free ip checker site
ºthe ipcheckers.xml file allows for the free site to be configured to your favourite ip checker site