The Associated Press Partners With Google & Twitter To Track 2016 Election Trends

In partnership with Google and Twitter, the Associated Press has released election trends data based on candidate and election-related searches and tweets.

Using Google Trends, the AP Election Buzz tool tracks Google “search interest in political terms.” The AP says the feature is part of the Google Political Index created by a nonpartisan group of Google’s data analyst: “It measures search interest in a weighted comprehensive list of topics associated with the 2016 election, including presidential candidates and political figures, policy issues, and current events.”

Users can view search volume going all the way back to August 2015, in chart form or via a map, and filter the data by the past month, past week or past 24 hours.

AP Google trends chart

Along with election data from Google Trends, the AP is also tracking Twitter conversations around the 2016 election, analyzing tweets that contain candidate names, campaign hashtags and other election-related terms. More coverage of AP’s partnership with Twitter can be found on Marketing Land: Associated Press Teams Up With Twitter To Track 2016 Election-Related Tweets.

AP’s election search trends tool can be accessed on its website here: AP Election Buzz.

Bing has also broadened its 2016 election experience with the launch of its “Search Wave” feature, a search tool that showcases Bing’s search volume for each of this year’s presidential candidates.

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