Thursday Thingies

Trunki: a rapid response
AIPPI-UK is holding a Rapid Response event and webinar on March 21 to discuss last week's Trunki decision (reported here). Hosted by Allen & Overy at 5:50 pm for 6:00, counsel for both parties (Mark Vanhegan QC, Michael Hicks and Jonathan Moss) will discuss the case and their reactions to the Supreme Court decision. Registration is available both for attendance at the event and participation in the webinar, here.

US tops the WIPO statistics tables (again)
WIPO has announced its annual filing statistics, with a wealth of data tabulated and graphed here. The USA remains the leading country of origin for PCT filings and Madrid trademark applications, while Germany tops the table for Hague design filings.

In terms of individual applicants, Huawei extends its lead in PCT filings with 3,898 applications. Novartis heads the Madrid filing table with 197 filings. In the designs field, Samsung has toppled Swatch as the leading user of the Hague system with 1,132 designs filed.

IP Ball date announced
The IP Ball will be held this year on June 25 in the Millennium Gloucester Hotel with the theme "Terra do Brasil". Funds raised from the event will help the Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital. Further details will follow on

IP Case Law Conference at OHIM
On May 5-6 2016, the Office is holding its first ever IP Case Law Conference. This event is dedicated to substantive and procedural issues surrounding trade mark and design dispute resolution. The conference brings together users of the international IP systems, IP professionals, judges, national and European level institutions and administrations. Details and registration here.

The IPKat reminds readers that all these events, and dozens of others of IP related happenings, are brought together on this blog's Forthcoming Events page.

Goodbye OHIM, Hello EUIPO
As noted several times previously on this blog, March 23 marks the date when the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market officially becomes the European Union Intellectual Property Office or EUIPO. The web address (which is live now) changes to, o now's the time to update your browser bookmarks.