40 Surprising Apple Cider Vinegar Uses To Make Life Easier

apple cider vinegar uses

If you think vinegar is what lurks at the bottom of your food cupboard and sometimes added to your meals then think again. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) has been known for its natural health benefits for centuries. Not only is it used as part of a healthy diet and gets us feeling good but it can also make us look good too. There are so many uses for Apple Cider Vinegar that many are unknown so here are 40 ways Apple Cider Vinegar can enhance your life in weird and surprising ways.

Here’s why you should never underestimate the versatility of apple cider vinegar:

Amazing Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar (+6 Recipes)

How To Use Apple Cider Vinegar For Effective Weight Loss

Natural Beauty Tips: Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Care Recipes

How To Cure Acne With Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar Uses For Beauty


1. Whitens teeth

Using ACV as a mouthwash can help whiten your teeth. Just use two parts water to one part ACV and swoosh it around your mouth for 1 minute. Regular use will promote whiter teeth over time.

2. Improves complexion

ACV can help unblock pores and help people who have acne-prone skin as it kills the bacteria that builds up on the face. Just dilute it with water and use it as a facial toner. Alternatively add it to your bath to allow your whole body to benefit from it.

3. Eliminates bad breath

If you suffer from bad breath then gurgling with ACV will help eliminate nasty odours by killing the bacteria present in the mouth.

4. Deodorant

If you want a natural alternative to chemical-induced deodorants, then ACV will do the job. It might sound weird but splashing some on your underarms will keep the B.O. at bay. Don’t worry about smelling strange as the ACV smell will evaporate while it dries.

5. Gets Rid Of Dandruff

6. Fades Bruises

Amazingly, ACV can help to fade bruises thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. Just rub it onto those purple blotches to minimise the look of the bruise.

7. Gets Rid Of Warts

ACV can help get rid of warts overnight. Just add some to a cotton wool ball and strap it on top of the wart – continue the treatment over several nights if it takes a bit longer.

8. Removes Hair Build Up

Using a lot of hair products on the hair can cause build up. Using ACV as a hair rinse will naturally strip any extra product and leave the hair shiny and soft. Use once a week to keep build up at bay.

9. Hair Treatment

Apple Cider Vinegar Uses For The Home


10. Deodoriser

It works for your armpits and it works for your home! Use it with equal parts water and spray it around the house to eliminate odours.

11. Fly Traps

12. Non-Toxic Disinfectant Cleanser

You can use ACV as a non-toxic, natural alternative to the usual house cleansers you buy in the shops. Just mix one part water with one part ACV and add it to a sprayer. You’ll have sparkling table tops in no time whatsoever!

13. Window Cleaner

If you want smudge-free, clean windows then ACV is a cheap and efficient way to achieve sparkling windows.

14. Deters Unwanted Cats

Not everyone wants cats around and if this is you then you can use ACV to deter them away. They hate the smell of ACV so spraying it around will stop cats from gathering.

15. Weed Killer

16. Cleans Dentures

If you want to get your dentures sparkling clean and disinfected then use a mixture of water and ACV to soak them. They’ll do the job just as well as shop-bought denture cleaners.

Apple Cider Vinegar Uses For Health


17. Aids Sleep

The amino acids in ACV help to combat fatigue and has been used as a remedy for insomnia for centuries. You can make a drink using a teaspoon of ACV with a good spoonful of honey and mixing it with water. Drink in the evening before you head to bed.

18. Soothes Sore Throats

Since ACV fights germs, gargling with it when you have a sore throat will relieve the pain and symptoms. Use it morning and night to get the full benefits.

19. Clears Stuffy Noses

If you need quick relief from a stuffy nose then drinking ACV and water will help clear it up and get you breathing more normally.

20. Relieves Sunburn

If you’ve spent too much time in the sun and come out all red, no doubt it’s painful and sore. ACV can help relieve the pain of sunburn and all you need to do is add a little to your bath and let it soothe your stinging skin.

21. Deodorises Feet

ACV works to balance the pH of your skin, this means its a great deodoriser and that’s good news if you suffer from smelly feet. Add it to a foot soak or soak it into some tissue and wipe it carefully over your feet. The vinegar smell will go away once it’s dried.

22. Soothes Rashes

Calm down rashes and sore skin by wiping some ACV onto it. The pain will start to cease and help soothe the irritated skin.

23. Treats Ear Infections

Drops of ACV mixed with water can help clear up ear infections. Just gently use a dropper to add a few drops into the ear being careful not to force anything into the ear canal. This is also safe to use on pets.

24. Clears Sinuses

AVC gets rid of bacteria from your sinuses and helps to clear a stuffy nose. The potassium in ACV can also help break down mucus and get rid of it more quickly. Just sip a mixture of ACV and water and feel it do its magic.

25. Soothes Bug Bites

Its anti-bacterial properties helps soothe bug bites and stop the itching. Just dab it on the bite and let it dry.

How Apple Vinegar Use Benefits The Body


26. Eases Acid Reflux

ACV actually copies the acid levels of the stomach so consuming ACV before and after a meal will help prevent painful heartburn.

27. Strengthens Bones

Some people use ACV if they suffer from weakened bones or osteoporosis because of its high nutrient content and has been found to help release calcium and other minerals found in the foods that you consume.

28. Aids Digestion

ACV increases stomach acid which in turn helps our body with digesting food a lot more efficiently. If you find it hard to digest food then sipping on ACV before and during and after your meal will help the process.

29. Aids Weight Loss

ACV has been used for a long time as a weight loss aid. It has been known to suppress appetite but this is not recommended as part of a healthy weight loss programme. It has been found to prevent fat accumulation, helps detoxify your body and increases metabolism giving you more energy to boot.

30. Boosts Immunity

Since we know it can help with stuffy noses and sore throats it only show that ACV’s antibacterial element can help boost immunity. It balances out your body’s pH levels to be in a healthful, alkaline state therefore allowing it to work at its best capacity including the immune system.

31. Lowers Blood Pressure

32. Lowers Cholesterol

ACV has been shown to lower cholesterol when drunk in small doses daily. This is because it increases bile production and supports your liver which are both integral in the creating and processing of cholesterol.

33. Reduces Blood Sugar Levels

ACV is very effective in the treatment of diabetes and has been known to decrease blood sugar level by 6% when consumed daily.

34. Reduces Arthritis Pain

The minerals, anti-oxidants and enzymes promote less painful joints and can lessen inflammation as well as the magnesium allowing better absorption of calcium which will help strengthen bones and joints.

35. Cleanses The Kidneys

Since it’s a natural detoxifier, drinking an ACV solution flushes out toxins that build up around the kidneys.

Apple Cider Vinegar Uses For Food


36. Baking

Adding ACV to baking recipes can actually add fluffiness and lift to the mixture allowing it to rise better in the oven. Why not give it a go and see for yourself?

37. Soups

Since ACV doesn’t have an overpowering taste, you can add it to soups to give the flavour a lift and reap the health benefits at the same time.

38. Salad Dressings

39. Juices

Add ACV to fruit juices to get added health benefits.

40. Sauces

Side Effects Of Apple Cider Vinegar

Although ACV has many great uses in your beauty regime, house cleaning and many health benefits, it’s very important to not consume too much. Large amounts could lead to irritation due to its high acidity levels and could cause tooth enamel to erode if not consumed diluted. A little every day is absolutely fine and will go towards healing and aiding the body in many beneficial ways so a large amount isn’t need on a regular basis. Make it part of a healthy lifestyle and you will reap the benefits all round!

The post 40 Surprising Apple Cider Vinegar Uses To Make Life Easier appeared first on Lifehack.

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