6 Positive Things That Came with Crowdfunding


Crowdfunding is a recently adopted investment concept that creates great opportunities for numerous companies around the world. The rise in popularity occurred back in 2009, with the development of the Kickstarter website. The website made it possible for people to raise money for their awesome ideas on all kinds of services and products.

People are able to see what the project is in complete detail, before giving money to the cause. Back in 2012 the government realized the investment crowdfunding potential and enacted the JOBS act, to make the whole crowdfunding process easier for everybody. The crowdfunding trend created numerous other positive trends in the world of business.

A variety of capital acquisition options

In the past, any company that wanted to grow their business in a shorter period of time had to look for accredited investors and depend on their good will, whether they personally found the idea good and whether they thought it was profitable or not. This made the whole company growth process even more complicated, and many creative and incredible ideas went on to become nothing due to the impossibility of find the right funding.

With the expansion of crowdfunding platforms, people who want to start a small or big business, have a lot more options open to them. It is now possible to raise money from a much higher number of people. The success lies in the fact that people are not donating for free, but for a reward. This reward-based investment brought many new companies into existence, making it an awesome way of collecting funds from the crowd.

Lower risks

Creating and running a company is quite a challenging task. No matter how well you predict the financial expenses, there are always some things that require more funds, making the whole venture riskier. At some point people have to rely on a loan, which further increases risks. The investors ask for equity in the company, which can complicate things as the company grows and affect the ideas of the company’s initial creator.

All of these risks can now be avoided with reward-based crowdfunding, as all these problems are automatically solved. It is possible to make precise costs and ask for a little bit more just in case, to cover unexpected expenses. The options are endless. There is no loan taking procedure and, most importantly, the owner of the idea and the company doesn’t lose any equity in his or her company, making it go in a safe direction without the interference of other people.

It is a great marketing campaign


Crowdfunding platforms are very popular and are visited by millions of people due to a wide variety of interesting ideas. This much organic traffic is very important when someone is starting a company and there are even brands that realize the marketing potential of crowdfunding platforms. The initial boost can not only increase the amount of funds, but also incredibly improve brand awareness. Additionally, numerous online blogs follow these websites and love to spread the word about interesting concepts, which can additionally drive more traffic to your campaign. This is a perfect way that enables businesses to attract loyal customers from the very moment the company is founded. The internet is a wonderful place where information travels fast, which is why these platforms create incredible results.

The crowd’s idea support

Just as all ideas in the world have flaws, so do the campaigns presented on crowdfunding platforms. This makes these platforms even more important, as a vast number of people involved in a campaign can share their opinions and ideas that are important for the whole campaign. This kind of free advice is very hard to get and it can be very effective.

Various solutions to problems an entrepreneur couldn’t foresee can be presented among the ideas coming from the crowd. This kind of help is something you cannot lean on, even if you have an incredible team of several people, as more minds working together can always create the most optimal solution to any type of problem.

It is simply easier than the old funding ways


Applying for a loan is a procedure which most businesses have to go through, but the whole process is quite long and preparing all the paperwork is long and tiresome. Additionally, finding an “angel” investor is practically impossible without putting immense effort into it. This is where crowdfunding offers incredible improvement, as registering on any crowdfunding platform is a much easier and faster process. Once registered, all a company needs is an attractive promotional video, and detailed instructions for all the interested visitors.

Incredible growth of ideas

All the crowdfunding possibilities have made people want to pursue their ideas. The crowdfunding platforms also present a perfect funnel for interesting ideas. Every fruitful idea will easily become recognized by the crowd, turning it into a success story. This is very motivating for numerous people around the world, as these platforms are there to give a chance to anyone from around the globe. With the right idea, impossible is nothing.

These are only some of the positive things associated with the crowdfunding trend. We can sit and watch further growth of investment crowdfunding. The most important things is that now, anyone with a great plan and a good idea has much better chances of reaching the sky. Crowdfunding is probably the best possible thing that happened to the business world and the whole world in general.

Featured photo credit: Ed Gregory via pexels.com

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