Beginner’s Guide To Growing A Beard In One Month

grow a beard

Looking to exude a little more masculine charm from your baby face? The time has come to grow a beard!

It’s understandable if you feel apprehensive while venturing into new facial hair territory. Yet with a little guidance, you will be well on your way to bearded greatness in one month.

Whether your style is clean and tidy or wild and unruly, this guide provides essential guidance for achieving the mighty beard you desire.

Set Yourself Up For Success

This first month is an all about getting to know your new facial hair, after all, not all men can grow facial hair at the same rate or strength. Age, health, and genetics play significant roles in an individual’s hair growth. However, here are 3 factors within your control that can speed up beard growth:

  • Getting 8+ hours sleep and manage your stress levels daily since it’s been identified as a contributor to hair loss
  • Eating a protein-rich diet to fuel your body with essential nutrients for hair growth
  • Drinking at least 4 liters of water per day to stay fully hydrated further supports hair development

Week 1: Commitment

If you’re used to sporting a clean shave, the first week is going to be the most difficult.

As the first signs of scruff emerge, it won’t be pretty! Often it appears uneven, patchy and prickly to touch. Worst of all, it can be itchy as hell!

Think of this first stage as proof of your dedication, you cannot give up! Resist the urge to shave or tidy up any facial hair. At this stage, It’s essential you allow your beard emerge undisturbed.

Smooth Beard Itching: Try not to scratch it too much as this can lead to infection. Lightweight beard oils may be your saviour, keeping your facial area and facial hair softer.

Week 2: Maximizing Growth

The scruff will be more substantial by now, laying the foundation for your mighty beard to come. You will also begin to notice where the strong and weak areas of growth.

Since all-out growth is the current priority, continue to resist the urge to tidy or trim. Just let the chips fall whether they may!

To keep the itching manageable, make sure you keep up with the beard oil application.

Boost Your Beard Growth: If your beard is patchy, supplements to can be taken to maximize hair growth and quality. Certain minerals and vitamins have been seen to promote hair growth and health. Try boosting your beard with Biotin, a natural hair growth supplement that contains Vitamin B6, C, and E.

Week 3: You’re Almost There


By now, you will have conquered the hardest part of growing your first beard. Itching should be significantly reduced and your facial hair finally worthy of beard status!

You may now wish to use a safety razor to tidy up patches and edges, just don’t go too wild yet!

Maintain Good Beard Health: You will now benefit from a quality beard cleaner. It will keep your facial hair clean, manageable and fresh. If your beard is long enough, use beard brush to help “train” the shape.

Week 4: Choosing Your Style

Your hard work and perseverance will have finally paid off, your beard strong and ready for final sculpting! It’s time to fine tune and fully dial in your chosen style.

With the itching gone, patches filled and final shape revealed, you can confidently select a style that suits your face and personality. Here are a few popular options for consideration:

The Professional: Well-Trimmed, Short, and Neat


The Lumberjack: Strong and a Little Unruly


The Dude: Relaxed But Rugged


Long-term beard maintenance: You still need to use your safety razor regularly to define your style. Also, consider using a beard trimmer to keep the shape and length under control.

Growing an awesome beard is a serious commitment, but it’s totally worth it. Just remember, a beard is for life, not just for Christmas…


…especially if you wish to grow a beard of this magnitude!

Featured photo credit: Pixabay via

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