Introducing the InternKats

The IPKat is delighted to announce the arrival of a brand new, freshly minted species of team member - the InternKats.  Following the KatKall earlier in the year, we were thrilled to receive a large number of applications from highly qualified and motivated applicants.  The IPKat is now able to announce the first two InternKats, who will serve for the next six months, mainly producing various flavours of blogposts and maintaining the blog pages.

Eleanor Wilson

Ellie is currently working towards the BPTC and working on the pro-bono Own-it! IP advice project. She holds an LLM in Intellectual Property Law and has previously worked as a tutor at the University of Edinburgh on eLLM (distance learning LLM) IP modules, and  as a research associate with Oxfirst Ltd, which specialises in the economic aspects of innovation and IP (more details here).

Nick Smallwood

Nick took the long way round to a legal career. After a Modern History and International Relations degree at the University of St. Andrews, he taught English in Barnsley and Barcelona. After completing his legal studies at the University of Law in York, he honed his IP blogging skills by writing for London law firm, Briffa. Nick is currently a trainee solicitor at Taylor Vinters (more details here).

Please join the IPKat in welcoming Nick and Ellie, and we look forward to reading their contributions.