iPredator Awareness

Hey All! Recently I've been talking with Dr. Michael Nuccitelli regarding his iPredator psychological construct, which watered down, is that of the modern, malicious, internet troll or hacker. Early identification of a threat or someone posing danger to your person can be huge in avoiding that threat all together. This has also turned into the modern corporate practice of Security Awareness. Thankfully, Dr. Nuccitelli shares several checklists which individuals can ask themselves to help keep them aware of potential threats, I'm going to quickly share my favorite three and encourage you to check the rest out yourself:

Adult Internet Safety Checklist
(correct responses are yes, true or agree)
1. Your email addresses, instant messaging usernames and links to personal homepages cannot be connected to your home address or exact identity.
2. You do not announce your physical location via status updates on GPS-enabled applications.
3. You never leave a logged in computer unattended for extended periods.
4. You know what “digital footprint” means and actively monitor it.
5. You have not shared private information to a now ex-friend or ex-intimate partner online.
6. You practice caution what you share or post online.
7. You protect all your online images from strangers being able to view or download them.
8. You have segmented your personal life from your work or career persona as a digital reputation control measure.
9. You know what digital reputation means and monitor ICT to make sure you have a positive digital reputation.
10. You know your images can stay in cyberspace for years and information you post or share online may be impossible to delete.
11. You have a mobile device or phone that does not have information that is embarrassing and/or sensitive.
12. You are careful about posting your personal information online and know why it is important related to your digital reputation.
13. You refrain from “sexting” and know it can be criminal if the subject being “sexted” about is a minor.
14. You have not shared private information to a now ex-friend online and concerned about what they will do.
15. You work to have a positive “digital reputation” or know how to create a positive “digital reputation.”
16. You know the images and videos you post online can stay in cyberspace for years.
17. You know sensitive and/or sexual information you share online may be impossible to delete.
18. You know “sexting” involving you or friends can be shared with others without your consent.
19. You know not to have sexual conversations with someone you met online.
20. You always review the privacy and security settings at social media sites (i.e. Facebook, MySpace) you have joined.

Cyber Stalking Prevention Checklist
(correct responses are yes, true or agree)
1. You ignore being “flamed” (provocative or angry online message.)
2. You have a genderless screen name.
3. You post minimal personal information online.
4. You know your state cyberstalking, cyberbullying and cyber harassment laws.
5. You refrain from posting a home address online.
6. You password protects all ICT with secure passwords that are difficult to guess.
7. You regularly change passwords and secret questions on all ICT accounts.
8. You are always suspicious of incoming emails, telephone calls or text messages that ask for personal identifying information.
9. You never give out a Social Security Number or financial information to unknown online entities.
10. You use stat counters to record all incoming traffic to your blogs and websites.
11. You regularly check the status of your credit reports about online transactions.
12. You have computers and mobile devices regularly checked for spyware.
13. You refrains from sharing contact information in e-mail, IM, text, Twitter and chat room messages.
14. You are extremely cautious about meeting online acquaintances in person.
15. You make sure your ISP and Internet Relay Chat (IRC) networks have an acceptable use policy prohibiting cyberstalking.
16. You know to log off and contact local law enforcement if a situation online becomes hostile.
17. You know to save all communications for evidence if cyberstalked or harassed.
18. You know to keep records of contacts with internet system administrators and law enforcement if cyberstalked or harassed.
19. You know how to block or filter messages from a potential cyberstalker or harasser.
20. You know to report a cyberstalker or harasser to an Internet Service Provider (ISP.)

Digital Reputation Protection Checklist
(correct responses are yes, true or agree)
1. You consistently monitor and manage the ICT user or business’s digital reputation.
2. You set screen saver passwords to lock ICT systems when not in use.
3. You set security settings on high, use at least one firewall and limit downloads to essential items from reputable sources.
4. You manage your browser settings, dump cookie and search history caches regularly.
5. You monitor and ensure sensitive information does not belong to mobile devices or computers that hook up to the Internet.
6. You monitor and ensure that sensitive personal information is never available on a work or employer’s machine.
7. You set up free e-mail accounts to protect yourself or your business from being impersonated.
8. You have segmented your personal life from your work or career persona as a reputation damage control measure.
9. You have set up a minimum of 4 free e-mail accounts for your friends/family, financial issues, business contacts and when anyone not in the priority categories asks for an e-mail address.
10. Each email for you, your loved ones or business has a different set of passwords and security questions.
11. You have segmented your personal life and your work or career persona from your social media persona (i.e. Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter).
12. You consistently update, monitor and manage your blog or website.
13. You consistently make sure to link to reputable sources and create original content.
14. You consistently post on related sites in yours and/or the business’s field.
15. You are familiar with Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing & Social Media Optimization to make sure posted material from your blog or website ranks high in search engines.
16. You have a digital reputation damage plan.
17. You have researched, aggregated and created reputation management strategies for all potential information damaging scenarios.
18. You conduct scheduled “Advanced Google Search” and have set up “Google Alerts” with the name of the ICT user or the business.
19. You regularly conduct scheduled searches of message boards.
20. You regularly conduct scheduled searches of social media and social networking sites.