Never too late: if you missed the IPKat last week

Annsley reviews Sir Robin Jacob's IP and Other Things, a 500-page collection of the famous Judge's essays and lectures.
Katfriend Shane Smyth shares his thoughts on the second edition of Trade Marks Law, by Glen Gibbons, a book on trade mark law -- written from an Irish viewpoint.
The IPKat has surpassed 10,000 posts! And 10,000 more are coming…
Mark pens of Taser International Inc. v SC Gate 4 Business SRL and Others (Case C-175/15), a decision where the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) addressed the issue of whether Article 24 of Brussels I Regulation applies in cases where one party is domiciled in a non-EU Member State.
David reviews another David's (Stone) European Design Law: A Practitioner's Guide, which he describes as "an indispensable reference work" for those fond of design law. Mark takes a look at another text (in German), the latter being Sebastian Fuchs' dissertation Das Europäische Patent im Wandel - Ein Rechtsvergleich des EP-Systems und des EU-Patentsystems (ie, "The Changing European Patent - A comparison of the EP system and the EU patent package").
"It is that time of year again when IP's great and good pool together at Fordham Law School near Columbus Circle in Manhattan to debate, learn and have fun", says the AmeriKat in her first kat-post from the Fordham Conference 2016. In this one, Annsley reports about the speeches of Maria Martin-Prat (Head of Unit - Copyright, DG Connect at the European Commission), Michele Woods (Director, Copyright Law Division, WIPO), Maria Pallante (Register of Copyrights, US Copyright Office), and many others IP-enthusiasts about the role of copyright and trade marks in the new, digital, multisensory IP world.
From trade marks and copyright to patents. "There seems to be more problems to resolve following reform in the US and Europe", the AmeriKat thinks after hearing the speeches of (among others) Margot Fröhlinger (Principal Director, Patent Law and Multilateral Affairs, EPO), John Alty (Chief Executive and Comptroller general, UK IPO), and Judge Kathleen O'Malley (US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit).
In this third post of the series, Annsley reports of Robin Jacob (UCL), Mr Justice Birss (High Court of Justice, UK), Mr Justice Carr (High Court of Justice, UK), Judge Klaus Grabinski (Federal Supreme Court), and many other IP Judges telling how it is (or was) life on the other side of the fence.
Remedies, trade secrets and patents were at stake of Fordham's Sunday afternoon, when a number of professionals took the floor.
The IPKat goes paw-blic. Get ready, says Nicola.
Kat friend Kim Poh NG, a partner at Christopher & Lee Ong, provides this timely guest post about a recent decision of the Federal Court of Malaysia addressing geographical indications, Swiss chocolate, and not-at-all-Swiss chocolate pretending to be Swiss in Malaysia.
Never too late 89 [week ending on Sunday 27 March] – Cricket and copyright in England And Wales Cricket Board Ltd & Anor v Tixdaq Ltd & Anor | Are business models simply jargon? | Singapore's IPOS ADR | Trunki case: the AIPPI's version | Goodbye OHIM, welcome EUIPO! | Actavis v Lilly | EU public consultation on neighbouring rights | Life as an IP Lawyer in San Francisco | Copyright in chess games | Trade surplus and IP | Fujifilm Kyowa Biologics v AbbVie Biotechnology.
Never too late 88 [week ending on Sunday 20 March] – CoA’s decision in Design & Display Limited v OOO Abbott & another | AG in McFadden C-484/14 on WiFi providers’ liability | Twitter on “Dronie” trade mark | Rationale and possible abuse of new US Trade Secret Law | CJEU in Liffers on moral rights | product placements | Sci-Hub IP saga.
Never too late 87 [week ending on Sunday 13 March] – UPC negotiations: Neil Feinson's version | Open Source Dogs | Myth, metaphor as drivers of innovation in IP | The Trunki case, i.e. PMS International Limited v Magmatic Limited | Loubutin case referred to the CJEU | German court refuses amendments filed on appeal | Italian Sharing Economy Bill | EPO Performance | IP in culinary recipes | Where has the patent troll gone? | Napp v Dr Reddy's and Sandoz.
Never too late 86 [week ending on Sunday 6 March] – Comic Enterprises Ltd v Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation [2016] EWCA Civ 41 | The IPKat team: news, new arrivals and farewells | CJEU in Shoe Branding Europe BVBA v Adidas and OHIM | World IP day | Advocate General's opinion in Henrik Saugmandsgaard Øe in Austro-Mechana | EPO v trade union | OLG Munich on YouTube liability | UPC judges' salary | The UK implements Unitary Patent | CJEU in Daimler AG Együd Garage Gépjárműjavító és Értékesítő Kft | Monsanto and tech-transfer in India | French ancillary right over on-line images | Stockholm District Court refuses to issue blocking injunction against access provider | CJEU on GIs in Viiniverla Oy V Sosiaali- ja terveysalan lupa- ja valvontavirasto | Trinidad’s Carnival and copyright | Again on Article 28 and trade-mark portfolios.