Slackware 14.2 RC 2 is here

We are getting closer to the final release of Slackware Linux 14.2 as Pat has labeled the current state as Release Candidate 2. It's been a month since RC 1 and it has received many changes. Along with this batch of updates include two security advisories:
  • mozilla-thunderbird: Upgraded to 45.0 and applicable to 14.1 and current
  • samba: Upgraded to 4.2.11 for Slackware 14.0 and 14.1 and 4.4.2 for current. This fixed the badlock vulnerability.
For current itself, we have several interesting changes:
  • kernel: upgraded to 4.4.7 and include one configuration change
  • gstreamer and gst-plugins-*: upgraded to 1.6.4
  • glibmm: upgraded to 2.46.4
  • gtkmm3: upgraded to 3.18.1
  • gnutls: upgraded to 3.4.11
  • xf86-video-intel: upgraded to 20160224_d167280
  • xf86-video-openchrome: upgraded to 0.4.0
  • geeqie: upgraded to 1.2.3
  • lvm2: upgraded to 2.02.150
  • sqlite: upgraded to 3.12.1
  • tmux: upgraded to 2.2
  • QScintilla: upgraded to 2.9.1
  • harfbuzz: upgraded to 1.2.6
  • libpng: upgraded to 1.6.21
  • libtasn1: upgraded to 4.8
  • sip: upgraded to 4.17
  • epic5: upgraded to 2.0
  • httpd: upgraded to 2.4.20
  • nmap: upgraded to 7.12
  • proftpd: upgraded to 1.3.5b
  • xf86-video-amdgpu: upgraded to 1.1.0
  • xf86-video-ati: upgraded to 7.7.0
  • mozilla-firefox: upgraded to 45.0.2
In short, we can expect that Slackware 14.2 will have good support on latest hardware, especially processors and GPU cards. Most of the software provided in current are up to date with latest release. Some may not, such as gstreamer, GTK+3, but at some point of development, we need to stop adding new version and focus on making sure it's stable enough for production use. Upgrading to the latest version is left as an exercise to it's users :-)