Still a few days left to respond to Public Consultation on Enforcement Directive

Bruno doesn't have much to say,
but perhaps you do?
Looking for something to do this weekend or the next few days?

Our friends at the EU Commission wish to let IPKat readers know that a possible idea to fill any gap you might have is to answer the Public Consultation on the evaluation and modernisation of the legal framework for the enforcement of intellectual property rights.

The deadline is 15 April 2016.

The consultation aims to help assess the functioning of Directive 2004/48/EC on the enforcement of intellectual property rights (IPRED) in the online environment, with a view to identify the possible need for adapting such provisions and to propose corrective measures. 

It will gather experience on the use and impact of IPRED and also seek views and opinions from those concerned with the application of the Directive on its functioning and the possible need for amendments. 

It also aims to gather experience and opinions about the use and impact of so-called 'follow the money' initiatives in the area of IPR enforcement.

Further details and questions here.