UnOfficial MATE 1.14 Packages

Even though i have stated that i will provide MATE 1.12 for next Slackware 14.2, but that doesn't stop me to provide unofficial binary packages of MATE 1.14 for Slackware-Current users. They are now available under testing directory (x86_64 only for now).

If you want to build from source, you can use 1.14 branch in GitHub.

  • Help files are now provided, but still not usable unless you have yelp (which requires webkit2gtk available from SBo). It's very time consuming to build so i do not provide a binary package for it.
  •  By default, audacious will be used as default file manager. Please change it to Caja in System > Preferences > Personal > Preferred Applications.
  • New package: libwnck3
  • Removed packages:
    • mate-netspeed (merged into mate-applets)
    • perl-xml-twig (dep of mate-system-tools)
    • perl-net-dbus (dep of mate-system-tools)
    • system-tools-backends (dep of mate-system-tools)
    • liboobs (dep of mate-system-tools)
    • mate-system-tools
    • gnome-main-menu