Food Day 14

lemon water and sardines

When replenishing your nutrient levels, it is important to remain hydrated as well as to consume an adequate amount of vitamins, minerals, and protein. Lemon water and sardines are a good source of a variety of nutrients for growth and recovery.

Lemon Water


  1. If possible use lemons that are fully yellow and organic.
  2. Wash the lemons before using them. This ensures that any pesticide used on the fruit is washed away.
  3. To keep lemons fresh for as long as possible, store them in a sealed plastic bag.
  4. We recommend that you add the lemon juice to room temperature or warm water.
  5. A glass of lemon water about a half hour before breakfast helps you absorb breakfast nutrients better.
  6. Lemon juice is acidic and can ruin teeth so don’t add too much lemon to your water. We recommend a slice per 2 litres of water.


  • Boosts immune system. Lemon water contains vitamin C which helps the immune system fight pathogens.
  • Cleanses your system. Water is essential for maintaining a healthy digestive system. It helps food remnants move through your intestines to ensure a clean colon.
  • Helps lose weight. Lemon water is a low calorie drink and can help reduce appetite.
  • Boosts energy and mood. A hydrated and health body leads to a happy mood and an energized person.



  1. We recommend choosing the canned sardines packed in olive oil, tomato sauce or plain water. Sardines packed in water has lower intake of fat. Canned sardines have a long storage life and can be stored in a pantry with
  2. Rinse canned sardines packed in oil with water before serving. This removes the excess oil.
  3. Top sardines with chopped tomatoes or sprinkle sardines with lemon juice are some nice serving ideas
  4. Canned sardines can be eaten straight from the can for a healthy and portable snack
  5. Check the expiration date on the sardine package before consuming
  6. If you are buying fresh sardines, look for the fish that smells fresh and are firm to touch with bright eyes and shiny skin.
  7. Unused portions of the canned sardines should be refrigerated
  8. Sprinkle sardines with lemon or olive oil. You can even top them with tomatoes, basil, or rosemary. They can also be sautéed in oil and used as an addition to salads.

Fresh Sardines Storage Information

  • Fresh sardines are very perishable and normal refrigerator temperatures will not stop them from spoiling.
  • To store fresh sardines in a refrigerator, rinse of sardines as soon as you buy them from the market. Then place them in a large bowl and cover with ice cubes and ice packs to reduce the temperature of the fish. Fresh sardines will keep for a few days using this method but we recommend consuming them as soon as possible.
  • If not stored correctly, the fish will start to smell and become slimy or dry out.

Health concerns

  • People who are prone to gout or kidney stones should not consumer sardines. Sardines contain purines which cause these health problems.
  • Consuming large quantities in sardines may result in mercury poisoning, but this should not happen if sardines are consumed in normal quantities.
  • It is important to check with ensure that you are not allergic to sardines.


  • Prevent heart diseases. Sardines are high in omega-3 fatty acids and DHA which can low fat and cholesterol levels.
  • Strengthen bones and muscles. Protein and calcium which are found in sardines greatly help the formation of a strong skeletal and muscular system. Sardines are also high in vitamin D which assists in the re absorption of calcium by bones.


Tomatoes are also an important source of fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants.



  1. Make sure to store fresh tomatoes at room temperature and avoid refrigeration.
  2. Make a tomato sandwich (with scrambled or boiled eggs).
  3. Eat fresh tomatoes or cherry tomatoes as a mid-afternoon snack.
  4. Cooking tomatoes helps destroy harmful bacteria and viruses.
  5. Tomatoes can be mashed, diced, and even made into tomato sauce to put on pastas and eggs.
  6. Look for the freshest tomatoes at the supermarket and pick the tomatoes that are firm but yield to slight pressure. Avoid tomatoes that are squishy or have unusual smells.


  • Strong bones. Tomatoes contain a considerable amount of calcium and Vitamin K. Both of these nutrients are essential in strengthening and performing minor repairs on the bones as well as the bone tissue.
  • Helps prevent cancer. The antioxidant, lycopene is present in tomatoes which can help prevent oxidants from causing cancer.
  • High in vitamins and minerals. Tomatoes are high in vitamins A, B, C and contain potassium. All these chemicals are key in maintaining a healthy body.

Bonus Tips


Read more

You’re almost halfway there! The 30 day health plan is not easy for most people, so take time to pat yourself on the back here. Many individuals struggle with changing their health habits, and it’s natural that this plan doesn’t come easy. Changing your diet will affect many areas of your life. For some dieters, sleep is one area particularly affected by a health commitment. If you are having trouble sleeping through the night, you’re not alone. It is very likely that your restlessness is due to blood sugar volatility.

  • What is Blood Sugar Volatility?

As the name suggests, blood sugar volatility is a bodily condition in which blood sugar levels vary significantly from hour to hour. If you’ve been switching up your eating habits and consuming less sugar, it makes sense that your blood sugar is affected. This also explains your waking up at night: when blood sugar drops, the body releases hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, which can wake people up.

  • What Should I do About It?

If your blood sugar levels are dropping in the middle of the night, we recommend eating a snack-sized portion of protein like eggs, chicken, or salmon about an hour before bed. This helps to stabilize blood sugar levels over the night time hours. We normally don’t recommend eating food shortly before going to bed, but in this specific case, it can be a useful strategy as your body transitions back to a more stable state. Try it consistently for a week to see if you sleep better. Then, give up the pre-bed snack to see if your body has stabilized at all.

  • Other Factors to Consider

While nutrition is a pervasive factor, it is not the only one affecting sleep quality. A number of different aspects come into play here, including anxiety, late exercise, and technology exposure just before bed. It may pay to look into factors that impact sleep quality in order to determine the cause of your restlessness.

The post Food Day 14 appeared first on Lifehack.

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