Food Day 9



Almonds are widely consumed throughout the world. Originally from the middle east, this food is now mainly produced in the United States. These nuts are a great source of calcium, magnesium, and vitamin E which are all important to your health.


  1. We recommend that you eat about 23 almonds a day to incorporate many crucial nutrients into your diet.
  2. Space your almond eating throughout the day for efficient absorption and less gas.
  3. Pack some almonds with you in a plastic bag when you go out, they make for a great low calorie snack
  4. Almonds can also be consumed as milk (almond milk)
  5. Because the antioxidants in almonds are mostly concentrated in the brown outer layer of skin, blanched (skin removed) almonds are not recommended.
  6. Begin eating almonds a little bit at a time to see whether not you are allergic to them.

Raw vs. Roasted Almonds

  • Both raw and roasted almonds pack a high dose of nutrients and minerals.
  • Raw almonds contain phytic acid which can prevent the absorption of nutrients such as calcium, iron, magnesium, and zinc.
  • Raw almonds can also harbour harmful bacteria and virus
  • Raw almonds have more naturally occurring beneficial fats, as some are lost in the roasting process.
  • Dry roasted almonds have the same amount of calories as raw almonds
  • Almonds roasted in oil contain slightly more calories.

How long do almonds last?

  • Unshelled almonds last 2-4 weeks in the pantry; 1 year in the refrigerator; and 2 years in the freezer.
  • Shelled almonds last 2-4 weeks in the pantry; 9 months in the refrigerator; and 1 year in the freezer.


  • Rich in Vitamin E. This vitamin is a fat soluble antioxidant that stops the production of reactive oxygen species originating from fats.
  • High Fiber. Like all nuts, almonds are high in fiber which aids digestion to promote a clean colon.
  • Almonds are surprisingly also rich in calcium and are often used as a substitute for milk to maintain health bones.
  • According to the FDA, eating 1.5 ounces a day of most nuts, like almonds, may reduce the risk of heart disease.
  • High magnesium that helps prevent heart attacks and hypertension
  • Low in carbohydrates. This make almonds, ideal for diabetics who need to keep their blood sugar level low.


It is important to have a well-balanced diet complete with different types of plant fiber. Try to incorporate ginger tea and cereal into your diet.

Ginger Tea


  1. Buying ginger in root form is the most cost effective method
  2. Avoid ginger that appears to be moldy or rotten
  3. Drink ginger tea early in the morning to prevent sleep loss from ginger
  4. You can put honey in ginger tea or even add lemon/apple to enhance flavour
  5. The Food and Drug Administration recommends no more than 2 grams of ginger for every kilogram of body weight each day. For a 155-pound (70 kg) person, this would amount to a limit of 140 grams of ginger each day.
  6. The following people should avoid drinking ginger tea: diabetics, those with blood disorders, those with hypertension, pregnant or breastfeeding mother, or those who have gallstones.

Basic Ginger Tea Instructions

  1. Peel and grate the ginger
  2. If you are using a saucepan, bring the water to a boil, turn off the heat, then add the ginger. Cover and let the tea steep for 10 minutes
  3. If you are using a teapot, add ginger in the teapot and pour boiling water in it. Let it steep for about 10 minutes.
  4. If you used a saucepan, strain the water to remove the ginger.
  5. Serve and enjoy


Anti-inflammatory Effects. Less inflammation increases blood circulation in your and makes it more likely that you will move around. The anti-inflammatory effects extends all the way to the digestive system where it helps reduce bloating.

Anti-oxidants. These chemicals are a crucial part in the maintenance of a health body. They react with cell destroying oxidants to neutralize them.

Stress Relief. Many people report decreased levels of stress when consuming ginger tea.

Vitamins and Minerals. Ginger also contains vitamin C, vitamin B-6, and magnesium



  1. Eat wholegrain oats, barley, rye, brown rice and wheat. We recommend consuming multi grain cereal with at least 40-50% whole grains.
  2. Buying cereal in bulk is the most cost effective method.
  3. Breakfast is the best time to eat cereal.
  4. Avoid cereals with artificial sweeteners, added sugars, texture enhancing chemicals, or dangerous dyes.
  5. Increase nutritional intake by topping cereal with fruits, nuts, and seeds. This also adds to the crunchiness.
  6. Cashews and walnuts can also be added.
  7. Buy in bulk. This is the cheapest option because cereal keeps for a long time because it lacks moisture.


  • Dietary fibre. Adds bulk to stool to help clean colon and expel stools at regular intervals. This prevents constipation.
  • Promotes a health gut. Prebiotics, like the ones found in cereals, are natural plant compounds that feed good bacteria in gut.
  • High in vitamins and dietary minerals especially magnesium potassium iron, phosphorus and vitamin B.
  • Low calorie. Calorie restriction has been shown to have positive effects on metabolism and aging.

Bonus Tips

Weight loss issue (2)

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While your focus should remain on developing a healthy eating plan, there are some simple and natural adjustments you can make to lose weight more easily.

  1. One of the best tips for losing weight is to write down what you eat for at least one week. According to research those who keep food journals reduce their food intake by at least 15 percent. Especially jot down every food you consume on weekends. Most people are likely to consume more than 100 calories on a holiday.
  2. Watching television may not seem particularly hazardous to health, but scientific studies have revealed that spending time watching TV is linked to weight gains and a reduced lifespan. Though it may not be practical to cut out television completely from your routine, you can start by reducing an hour of TV time and replacing it with something more active like taking a walk.
  3. Did you know that sniffing fruits like bananas and apple, or a peppermint when you feel hungry, may actually trick your brain into thinking you have already eaten it? The more frequently you sniff, the less hungry you get, and more the weight you are able to lose.
  4. If you are stuck at your desk all day, make an effort to take a short walk at least every two hours. This adds up to calories burned during your total walking time and it also serves the purpose of distracting you from reaching for some nibbles.
  5. Many people have the mistaken belief that drinking water will curb their hunger. This is not true since the body in fact has different mechanisms for processing thirst and hunger. Eating water-rich foods like cucumbers or tomatoes and consuming water-rich food preparations like soups and salads, during mealtimes, can bring down your overall calorie consumption.
  6. Whole milk, sugar and whipped cream in your coffee add several hundreds of calories to your cup of coffee. A regular cup of coffee brewed with good quality coffee beans and skim milk is a much better choice to lose some extra pounds.
  7. Eating fruits is a much better choice than drinking fruit juice as you can eat more numbers of filling fibre packed fruits for the same amount of calories in the juice.

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