Security researchers discovered 2900 new Ransomwares - Report

This era of technology will forever be remembered as the era when Ransomwares ruled the world. A security researcher from Kespersky Lab explained how Ransomware threat has taken over Advanced persistent threat (APT) as the most troublesome cyber threat.

In a report released by the Kespersky Lab; there has been a rise in new ransomware attacks by 14% in first three months of this year. The report explained how the security researchers has detected the 2,900 new ransomware between the Jan to March.

The cyber attack on Ukrainian energy sector is the most copious ransomware attack in the first quarter of this year. Even though the sector was attacked before the end of last year, but the bigger picture came to light after the year started. The attack enable hackers to disrupt the power distribution in some areas of Western Ukraine.

The increase of cyber threats has also hit hard on the banking sector. Carbank 2.0 has returned according to Kespersky Lab analysis. The cyber security firm has discovered the signs of Carbank in telecommunication and banking sectors. The new version of Carbank is not only targeting the banks; its prime targets now are accounting and budgeting sectors and firms. The new version of Carbank is still using the APT like tools and techniques, Kespersky Lab reported.

The reports received from various organizations by Kespersky researchers - the ransomware attacks organizations suffered this year is from well known Chinese groups; who are using APT techniques previously. There are many other similar cases where these groups are not involved, but a switch from APT techniques to ransomware development is pretty clear. The most destructive ransomware this year so far is PETYA; there are many cases where organizations whole data has been encrypted.

The criminals are using various techniques to spread the newly developed ransomware. Mass mailing is the most effective technique of encrypting data. Once an employee downloads the file; it will automatically install the ransomware in his computer and ransom every bit of his data. LOCKY ransomware is one which has used this technique with most effect.

At the end of fourth quarter last year; the number of ransomware attacks were 2549; which is now 2900. Further increase in new ransomware in expected in next quarter. One thing which disappointing the most is that the skills of cyber criminals is far better than security researchers. The increase of cyber attacks is the backing of my statement.