WebMon Portable 1.0.12

WebMon Portable, Know when web pages change!
"Brilliant. Still gets good reviews after 7 years." —crisoco (a user), download.CNET.com (October 01, 2010)
"WebMon is a Web page update monitoring program. It saves you time and keeps you updated by automatically checking an unlimited number of Web pages at predetermined intervals to see if they have changed." —Colin Markwell, download.CNET.com
"A compact, versatile and configurable web page monitor." —Mike Williams, pcadvisor.co.uk (12 Nov 12)
WebMon is a web page update monitoring program - it saves you time and keeps you updated by automatically checking web pages to see if they have changed.

Size: 776 KB (794,624 bytes) Packed Size: 784 KB (802,816 bytes)
MD5: 2AC26243507EAE62C027149371135C87
SHA-1: 6FDFE839B3B796EC97A327B9DAE2A5BC5E0F6FE4

» Only one major drawback: can't monitor secure/https web page. But otherwise really great![]