Add elementary Add (icon theme) on Your Ubuntu Desktop, Looks Like Elementary OS

elementary OS is an Ubuntu-based desktop distribution. Some of its more interesting features include a custom desktop environment called Pantheon and many custom apps including Photos, Music, Videos, Calendar, Terminal, Files, and more. It also comes with some familiar apps like the Midori web browser and Geary mail.

elementary OS style icon theme.
Available PPA for elementary OS Freya/Loki and Ubuntu Unity 14.04/16.04:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:elementary-add-team/icons
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install elementary-add-icon-theme

After installation is completed, change icon using ubuntu Tweak or Unity Tweak tool

On elementary OS better looking with 48px icons on slingshot-launcher:
gsettings set org.pantheon.desktop.slingshot icon-size 48