Busy tomorow evening? Tomorrow's AIPPI "look-a-like" event may be like no other

Yes, they looked alike, but who did
that harm?
Are you free tomorrow evening?  If so, from the AmeriKat's friend Sara Ashby (Redd), comes a reminder about an exciting event tomorrow organized by AIPPI UK on the topic "Copycat Packaging" hosted at the London offices of Linklaters LLP at 5:30PM for 6PM.  The speakers include Michael Edenborough QC and John Noble (British Brands Group) who will be discussing the issue of look-a-likes.  The announcement continues:
"BIS conducted a consultation on this matter and concluded that no further action should be taken at this stage; in particular, that no private cause of action should be given to rights owners to commence proceedings under the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008. The popular press commonly confuses issues of counterfeiting, copycating and copying. 
Michael will set the scene by illustrating some recent examples, and will focus upon the current legal framework including trade marks, passing-off and copyright; John will concentrate upon the policy issues faced by rights holders, and the problems that they face and the solutions that they would like."
The event promises to be exciting and full of fiery debate (if the number of comments on related Kat posts are anything to go by).  Luckily, there are still some spaces remaining.  To register click here.

If you can't make tomorrow's event do not fear!  AIPPI UK has some other exciting events in the pipeline including a chat with the eminent and much missed king of the patent bar, Simon Thorley QC, on alternative dispute resolution in IP cases (5 July 2016 at 6PM at Freshfields - more details click here).  If that is too educational for you, then mark your calendar for 13 July for the annual AIPPI Garden Party (to register click here). Champagne, jazz, IP chat and trying not to sink into the rain-sodden Middle Temple lawn is always a recipe for an excellent evening.  The AmeriKat looks forward to seeing you there!