Telenor India supports “Stop Cyberbullying Day 2016”

In its continuous effort to pledge and educate about online intimidation to address rising cyber bullying levels in India, Telenor India and Telenor Group have reinforced their internet safety goals with support for Stop Cyber Bullying Day 2016, an international awareness day that aims to reduce cyber bullying globally. With an estimated half billion youth in Telenor Asia’s markets of Bangladesh, India, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan and Thailand accessing the internet for the first time in the next five years, Telenor hopes to educate young users on the benefits of connectivity, as well as how to navigate online threats.

With 92% of parents in India fearful that their children will be cyber bullying victims, education is becoming increasingly key to mitigate growing online abuses rates. Launched by Cyber Smile Foundation, Stop Cyber Bullying Day utilizes social media to spread an anti-cyber bullying message with the #SCD2016 hashtag. In 2015, the movement engaged 45 million people, and this year Telenor hopes to help them exceed that number...Read More