Become a PRO Hacker – Python for Hackers

Python, the known scripting language has already changed the cyber landscape. Hackers are using Python as a weapon to hack into the servers and other electronic devices. To fight against the black hat hackers, the good guys have to take this weapon as well. Infosec professionals are now using python during the pentesting process, it is an effective way to test the overall security of a network / web application.

The simple phenomena say, writing your own scripts is more effective than using the standard expensive hacking tools. The bundle course introduces by EH Academy teaches the same, it says “Hack Like a PRO using Python”. This training program is a bundle of two known trainings:
  •          Android hacking using Python
  •          Python for Offensive penetration testing

And, luckily the academy has announced discount for the new users. The enrollment can be taken place by just paying $39 (original price is $139).

Coupon code: HLPP39T

Learn python, learn to write your own scripts in the difficult situations because tools are designed / created to solve a particular situation that faces the known issues. But, hacking tools fail whenever it has to face a challenge. Some important things to learn that the discussed course teaches:

·         Coding reverse TCP shell on Python
·         Create Anti-virus free keylogger using python
·         Password phishing – DNS poisoning
·         Facrbook password phishing
·         Backdooring legitimate windows services
·         Bypassing IPS and hand-made XOR encryption
·         Bypass reputation filtering in next generation firewalls
·         Building a botnet
·         Decoding whatsapp messages (contacts, calls, phone logs and etc.)
·         Build a semi Android shell
·         Build reverse SSH tunnel
·         And many more….

Get the weapon of python in fighting the cyber war; it is not coming, but it is already here. Enhancing the skills and learning the new language always help to defend the computer system; it also helps to strengthen the overall security before the bad guys attack.

Get ready for the future.