Day 5: Let My Diet Boost My Mood

pablo (8)

Tip #5: Dairy

Include more dairy in your diet, and avoid lots of alcohol!

Why it matters?

Milk is overflowing with calcium, which is needed for strong bones and teeth. Plus, milk with Oreo’s is heaven-sent! Milk is essential for your diet and can easily be turned into a habit. The magical properties of milk can cause lower blood pressure, as well as type 2 diabetes. In adolescence, digestion of milk is extremely important, as they are still growing and adding mass to their bone density.

How to make it work better?

If you don’t like plain milk, drink chocolate milk or add milk to a smoothie! For breakfast, you can add it to oatmeal or cereal. Don’t like milk, no problem! You can find dairy in cheese, yogurt, even taking calcium supplements! Even though this is a miracle grow for your body, this food group is one you’ll want to limit.  As the saying goes, a little goes a long way!

Milk is amazing for the body as you well know, however alcohol adversely affects the body. Alcohol has been proven to cause strokes and high blood pressure, as well as many cancers, and can weaken your immune system.

The best way is to limit how much alcohol you intake. Alcohol has much sugars in the drink, as well as it immobilizes you to a point. So just keep in mind how much you drink and what you drink!

Featured photo credit: Pablo by Buffer via

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