Deepmagic Information Gathering Tool - DMitry

DMitry (Deepmagic Information Gathering Tool) is a UNIX/(GNU) Linux Command Line Application coded in C language.

DMitry has the ability to gather as much information as possible about a host. Base functionality is able to gather possible subdomains, email addresses, uptime information, tcp port scan, whois lookups, and more. The information are gathered with following methods:

  • Perform an Internet Number whois lookup.
  • Retrieve possible uptime data, system and server data.
  • Perform a SubDomain search on a target host.
  • Perform an E-Mail address search on a target host.
  • Perform a TCP Portscan on the host target.
  • A Modular program allowing user specified modules

Download and installation

DMitry can be downloaded by issuing following commands:

$ cd /data/src/
$ wget

For installation, issue following commands:

$ tar xzvf DMitry-1.3a.tar.gz
$ cd DMitry-1.3a/
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install

Then optionally create a symbolic link to your /pentest/ directory:

$ mkdir -p /pentest/enumeration/dmitry/
$ ln -s /usr/local/bin/dmitry /pentest/enumeration/dmitry/dmitry



DMitry help can be displayed by issuing:

$ dmitry --help