Getting Started: Let My Diet Boost My Mood

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Have you ever noticed that when you’re eating certain foods, your moods change? That’s because all of the different food have various chemicals that affect your body hormones. These cause you to feel happy, or sad, or energized or bloated, the best way to keep your mood boosted is to follow the next 7 tips on food that build up your system and foods that you have to avoid!

Tip 1: Water

Make sure to drink more water, and avoid drinks with tons of sugar!

Why is it important?

Drinking water is one of the most important things when it comes to dieting. When you drink enough water, you feel good, you have plenty of energy, and your mind is clear, which makes thinking is an easy task instead of an exhausting chore. Water energizes your muscles to keep you moving!

How to make it work better?

There are many ways to make drinking water a habit. Make sure to have a water bottle by your side at all times. You will subconsciously drink it as a way to stay busy. There are also plenty of free apps to remind you to drink water every hour. You can get bottles that show you how much you need to drink and how far you need to go til you meet your goal.

Don’t like the taste of water? No Problem! Simply add fresh fruits to your water bottle overnight and you have organic flavored water! If drinking so much water is too hard, try eating lots of raw vegetables that contain large amounts of water.

Now you’ve seen the benefits of water, the drinks to avoid would be drinks with excess sugars! It can be risky for tooth decay, gout, heart disease, and many more. Sugary drinks such as, one can of coke cola has 39 grams of sugar. Just imagine all the sugar your intake is, and it’s not even the good sugar!

Featured photo credit: Pablo By Buffer via

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