Hack any Android Device using Python Scripts

Ever wonder how bad guys hack Android devices? Or how they simply manage to steal the data from remote locations? Well, there are many ways to get in on any android or iOS mobile. But, the easiest and most effective way is to use a backdoor (Trojan, malware) that opens the channel of stealing personal information, taking control of the mobile, ad frauds, stealing financial information and other potential harm.

Who help the hackers? Hacking tools? But, sometimes or most of the time, the tools don’t work. This is where we differentiate a script kiddie and a pro; a pro hacker and cyber security professional writes his own code to bypass the facing issues and challenges, while script kiddies only follow what’s being created by a pro.  

Learn hacking like a pro using python scripts, learn to hack any android device using backdoor, write your own scripts to hack, don’t rely on anybody’s tools.

EH Academy offers a crash training program that teaches the art of writing python scripts that hack Android devices. The focus of the course is to create Trojan, spread Trojan to get access of many android devices at once, learn to create the backdoors and hack any Android phone. What you will learn:

  • Code a simple Android GUI interface purely in Python
  • Build a simple cross platform SSH botnet purely in Python
  • Code an SSH Android Trojan
  • Transfer / exfiltrate Data out of target device
  • Run Python SSH reverse shell on Windows, Linux, Android
  • Transfer and decode Decode Android calls, sms messages, Whatsapp chat Databases

Get access to the training program today. Enroll now!