LastPass Zero-Day Bug Lets Hackers Steal All Your Passwords

A critical zero-day flaw has been discovered in the popular cloud password manager LastPass that could allow any remote attacker to compromise your account completely.

LastPass is a password manager that works as a browser extension and automatically fills credentials for you.

All you need is to remember one master password to unlock all other passwords of your different online accounts, making it much easier for you to use unique passwords for different sites.

However, the password manager isn't as secure as it promises.

Also Read: Popular Password Managers Are Not As Secure As You Think

Google Project Zero Hacker Tavis Ormandy discovered several security issues in the software that allowed him to steal passwords stored with LastPass.

"Are people really using this LastPass thing? I took a quick look and can see a bunch of obvious critical problems. I'll send a report asap," Ormandy revealed on Twitter.

Once compromise a victim's LastPass account, hackers would be able to access a treasure trove of passwords for victim's other online services.

Since LastPass is working on a fix to the zero-day vulnerability, technical details about the issues have not been disclosed by the researcher.

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Coincidentally, another security researcher Mathias Karlsson also announced that he had uncovered some issues in LastPass, that has already been patched by the company.

A specially crafted URL is enough to take complete control of its user's accounts.

As Karlsson explained in a blog post published today, an attacker could send a specially-crafted URL to the victim in order to steal passwords from his/her vault.

This specific vulnerability resided in the autofill functionality of the LastPass browser extension, where a faulty regular expression for parsing the URL was allowing an attacker to spoof the targeted domain.

"By browsing this URL: the browser would treat the current domain as while the extension would treat it as," Karlsson explained.

Therefore, by abusing form auto-fill functionality, a hacker could steal victim's, let’s say, Facebook password, by sending the POC URL containing to the victim.

This particular flaw has already been patched by the company within a day, and Karlsson has even been awarded with a bug bounty of $1,000.

Also Read: Who's to Blame for Weak Passwords?

Well, the issues in password managers are really worrying, but this doesn’t mean that you should stop using password managers. Password managers still encourage you to use unique and complex passwords for every single site.

In wake of the latest issue, users can avoid browser-based password managers and instead switch to offline versions, like KeePass.

from The Hacker News