MATE 1.15 for Testing

MATE 1.14 packages are out already, but the development still going on and getting more interesting. More MATE components are being ported to GTK+3, which will eventually lead to MATE 1.16 in the next few months. According to the poll that i conducted on my blog few months ago, most people wanted to have a full GTK+3 build of MATE instead of a mix build, but i ended up with a mix build for Slackware 14.2, since some major showstopper bug for GTK+3 are still there.

Since i have a long holiday this week, i created two new VMs to test the new MATE 1.15 release for both mix build (GTK+2/3) and full GTK+3 build. I built the packages already and it has been published under "current" directory. This will be the new testing playground for development releases.

I made two different documentation for each directory since full GTK+3 replaced some old packages with it's GTK+3 package, while in mix build we only add 3 new deps (libgxps, vala, vte3).

have fun with the new MATE 1.15 :-)