Never Too Late: If you missed the IPKat last week

If you missed the IP headlines last week, don't worry. The 105th edition of Never Too Late is to bring you up to date with the short but select handful of stories from last week.

High Court summarily dismisses Seretide combination colour mark
The IPKat, feeling like a basket case

For those readers who fancy a change from Brexit and UPC-fate related news, preferring instead a reminder of good, old fashioned IP cases, you are in luck. A couple of weeks ago, His Honour Judge Hacon (sitting in the High Court) handed down his decision in Glaxo v Sandoz [2016] EWHC 1537 in which he was asked by Sandoz to determine, on a summary judgment application, whether Glaxo's EU Trade Mark No 3890126 was invalid. The answer - yes. Luke Maunder (Bristows LLP) reports on the decision which will be interest to anyone who loves color combination trade marks or trying to figure out how to precisely and clearly ring fence the scope of trade mark protection

What is the best forum for resolving patent and FRAND/SEP disputes? It depends on who you ask... On the last day of June, the London offices of Allen & Overy LLP hosted the First Joint Seminar on SEP/FRAND Mediation and Arbitration, co-organised by Queen Mary University of London’s School of International Arbitration (SIA) and the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center. For those who were unable to make it to Bishop's Square, some Kat friends who had less distance to travel - in the form of Elettra Bietti and Taly Dvorkis (both of A&O) - report on the event. 

InternKat brings you a blast of hot IP news/events that you may have missed:

- UK IPO invites bids by early September for research into the IP valuation market. 
- Andrea Brewster asks what we can do to promote inclusivity in IP 
- Trump looks to brush off Aquaazzura copycat claims 
- Open Call for Speakers at the 5th International CopyCamp Conference (October 27-28, 2016 in Warsaw). 
- Keeping up with the Jones’s taken to a whole new level? 
- We’ve come a long, long way together. Through the hard times and the good... Join the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC) in ongoing celebrations of their 90 year anniversary. 


Never too late 104 [week ending on Sunday 10 July] e-Sport in the French Digital Republic Bill | Aspartame is back -- and is Pepsi playing by a new branding playbook| The USPTO moves to clear "Trademark Deadwood" | Court of Appeal of England and Wales confirms availability of blocking injunctions in online trade mark cases  An opportunity for IP scholars seeking future careers | CJEU says that operators of physical marketplaces may be forced to stop trade mark infringements of market-traders | Book review: the law and practice of trade mark transactions | Own name defence in Singapore| Cartier rapid response event | AG Wathelet on out of print books | Maccoffee: McDonalds not loving it

Never too late 103 [week ending on Sunday 3 July] | Publicity Rights v First Amendment EU Trade marks Article 28 Declarations | Non-EU UK in the UPC? | Book review: IP Strategy, Valuation and Damages | Brexit and Copyright | In memoriam of David Goldring | Openness, innovation and patents

Never too late 102 [week ending on Sunday 26 June]  | Neighbouring rights for publishers | US Supreme Court makes it easier to obtain patent enhanced damages | US Supreme Court in Halo and Kirtsaeng makes IP victory sweeter for successful parties | Enlarged Board publishes decision: EPO President violated judicial independence | Dear Europe... UK leaves the EU | Dear UK... 

Never too late 101 [week ending on Sunday 19 June] Procedure to remove EPO Board Member ends abruptly | Trade mark "bully" | EU Trade Secrets Directive | Cannibalism, Branding and Market Segmentation | A-G Szpunar declares Rubik's Cube shape mark invalid | Apple and the podcast industry | IP Inclusive | Coke defends opposition to 'ZERO' marks