SearchCap: AdWords reports, CTR data & Google Maps ads


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web.

From Search Engine Land:

  • Merkle’s early data on expanded text ad CTRs: Results are mixed
    Jul 29, 2016 by Ginny Marvin

    The agency looked at expanded text ad performance from both brand and non-brand traffic.

  • Excited about Google’s new map ads? You should be!
    Jul 29, 2016 by Will Scott

    Google Maps ads are changing to help local businesses become more visible. Columnist Will Scott discusses the four features you should be most excited about.

  • 9 things most people don’t understand about SEO
    Jul 29, 2016 by John E Lincoln

    New to the world of search engine optimization (SEO)? Columnist John Lincoln explains some things you might not know about this online marketing discipline.

  • Search in Pics: NBA players at Google, Pokemon Go gamers & Google koolaid
    Jul 29, 2016 by Barry Schwartz

    In this week’s Search In Pictures, here are the latest images culled from the web, showing what people eat at the search engine companies, how they play, who they meet, where they speak, what toys they have and more. Google’s Gary Illyes in scary clown mask Source: Twitter Real Google koolaid: Source: Google+ NBA players […]

  • AdWords gains 3 new cross-device attribution reports
    Jul 28, 2016 by Ginny Marvin

    Based on AdWords cross-device conversion data, the new reports show device influence through the full conversion path.

  • Don’t lose track of leads once they pick up the phone
    Jul 28, 2016 by Digital Marketing Depot

    The internet, combined with the rise of mobile devices, has created a telephonic boom. But while measuring online conversions has become standard practice for most businesses, many companies have a conversion blind spot surrounding their inbound phone calls. The solution to this blind spot lies in the application of call intelligence. This white paper from […]

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