Easy Tool For Generate Backdoor with Msfvenom - TheFatRat

Easy tool for generate backdoor with msfvenom ( part of metasploit framework ) and program compiles a C program with a meterpreter reverse_tcp payload In it that can then be executed on a windows host Program to create a C program after it is compiled that will bypass most AV.

Automating metasploit functions
  • Checks for metasploit service and starts if not present
  • Easily craft meterpreter reverse_tcp payloads for Windows, Linux, Android and Mac and another
  • Start multiple meterpreter reverse_tcp listners
  • Fast Search in searchsploit
  • Bypass AV
  • Drop into Msfconsole
  • Some other fun stuff :)

Getting Started
git clone https://github.com/Screetsec/TheFatRat.git
cd Fatrat

How it works
  • Extract The lalin-master to your home or another folder
  • chmod +x fatrat
  • chmod +x powerfull.sh
  • And run the tools ( ./fatrat )
  • Easy to Use just input your number

  • A linux operating system. We recommend Kali Linux 2 or Kali 2016.1 rolling / Cyborg / Parrot / Dracos / BackTrack / Backbox / and another operating system ( linux )
  • Must install metasploit framework
  • required gcc program , i586-mingw32msvc-gcc or i686-w64-mingw32-gcc ( apt-get install mingw32 ) for fix error


Note: modifications, changes, or alterations to this sourcecode is acceptable, however,any public releases utilizing this code must be approved by writen this tool ( Edo -m- ).